Happy Blog – aversary to me!
Today marks ten years since I began writing. Well, writing for other eyes to see the words I’d scribbled down on paper. On January 11, 2011 I started writing on my first blog TickledPinkTammy.Blogspot.com. That was a mouthful to tell someone when they’d ask where they could find where I write.
At that point, the blog morphed into this website where’s there’s a little more than just a blog. And a much shorter web address. Thank goodness.
Life happened as it does for us all, and I wasn’t always writing on the blog. Well, on my own blog anyway. Some of the guest posts I’ve done were on blogs or websites that are now long gone. I’m still writing on other sites and have added a tab up top called My Writing. When you click on the tab, you’ll go to the page where I’ll list those other places I’ve hung out and shared some thoughts.
But now I’m coming home in 2021! If 2020 taught me anything (and it taught me a lot!), it’s the importance of family and friends—both very dear to me. And you are that to me as well.
You’ll see more from this blog and a new addition to my work, a newsletter. In the newsletter I hope to encourage you, share some fun and funny topics, and maybe even a recipe or two! I’ll keep you posted on the progress of the books I’m writing and share the books I’m currently reading or have read that I would recommend you read, too.
I hope you’ll sign up for the newsletter and stay connected. I will not be sending you a newsletter email every day. You’re welcome. HaHa! But I’ll send at least one a month and on occasion another one or two if there’s something exciting I just can’t wait to share.
I’m always just a click away when you go to my Connect with Me on the top menu or reply to a newsletter.
I’ve missed you and look forward to hanging out with you again
As always,