blog posts

Congratulations – Again!

Writing Team


A huge congratulations to the writing team at The Write Conversation Blog once again. For the fourth year in a row, The Write Conversation has earned a spot in the top 101 Best Websites for Writers from Writer’s Digest Magazine. How cool is that!

I’m truly humbled and honored to have been invited to write with the amazing writers assembled by the blog owner, Edie Melson. I still pinch myself every month when I sit down to write my post for the blog! I’ve learned so much from them and their posts and am grateful for their commitment to bring new lessons and encouragement to writers.

Congratulations again to the Team and my fellow writers. And a huge “Tickled Pink” thank you to Edie for inviting me way back in 2018 to join her team.

I’m Traveling the World! image image

Though I wish I were on this plane flying anywhere warm, I have been out in cyber world traveling a bit! I am now a part of the writing team for Ask God Today Ministry! There are 13 writers on the team and I’m thrilled to be one of them. So while you haven’t seen me here, I haven’t put away my pen or keyboard – I’ve been out traveling the world, so to speak!

I’d love to have you join us over there at the ministry site. Just like you can become a subscriber here so you don’t miss a post, you can also do that at Ask God Today Ministries. Each month we change things up a bit and currently we are talking about Heros of the Faith. The posts have been encouraging as we see how God uses the broken people and not the “perfect” people we would thing he would. I hope you’ll join me over there.

If you’re curious about what I’ve been writing about – you can read the post on:  Earthly Example of God’s Love or The Love of a Friend  or Sarah, I’m with Ya Girl! .

Don’t forget to sign up here so you don’t miss a post and leave me a comment below as to what you have been up to this winter!

Find a reason to giggle a bit, today!

Tammy Sig