Author: Tammy

I’m Traveling the World! image image

Though I wish I were on this plane flying anywhere warm, I have been out in cyber world traveling a bit! I am now a part of the writing team for Ask God Today Ministry! There are 13 writers on the team and I’m thrilled to be one of them. So while you haven’t seen me here, I haven’t put away my pen or keyboard – I’ve been out traveling the world, so to speak!

I’d love to have you join us over there at the ministry site. Just like you can become a subscriber here so you don’t miss a post, you can also do that at Ask God Today Ministries. Each month we change things up a bit and currently we are talking about Heros of the Faith. The posts have been encouraging as we see how God uses the broken people and not the “perfect” people we would thing he would. I hope you’ll join me over there.

If you’re curious about what I’ve been writing about – you can read the post on:  Earthly Example of God’s Love or The Love of a Friend  or Sarah, I’m with Ya Girl! .

Don’t forget to sign up here so you don’t miss a post and leave me a comment below as to what you have been up to this winter!

Find a reason to giggle a bit, today!

Tammy Sig

It’s the Month of Love!

Grandma Meade-2008

My Sweet Grandma M. at 98!

Do you have someone who you know, without a doubt, loves you? It doesn’t matter if you did something wrong, said the wrong thing or don’t stay in touch as much as you should, that person will love you to the ends of the earth. Are you fortunate enough to have or have had someone like that in your life?

I was very fortunate to have someone like that in my life. I shared about this specific person over at Ask God Today Ministries. If you would like to read it, click here. Then make sure you come back here and share with me your certain someone.

If by chance you still have that person living today, would you take this Valentine’s Day to make sure they know how much you appreciate their love? You just may make them “Tickled Pink” to hear from you! They need to know. Before you can’t tell them any longer.


Tammy Sig


These Are Better Than I Thought!



Did you ever see the movie, The Jerk, with Steve Martin? One of the most remembered scenes I think for many people is when  Martin ran out of the house yelling and jumping heading down to the mailbox. On his way, he yelled this famous phrase…”the new phonebooks are here, the new phonebooks are here.” He was so excited as he flipped it open to see his name printed in those pages!

Yesterday was my “the new phonebooks are here” kinda day!

My custom order had arrived. The order even came a week earlier than expected, so when the UPS guy yelled into the kitchen window as he left my package on the porch, I couldn’t figure out what was delivered. My hubby went to the door to get the package and laughed as he said your Tickled Pink Converse are here! Oh yeah, I dropped what I was doing and came to look immediately!

As I eagerly opened the box, I was so pleasantly surprised. I thought where I had the shoes custom signed with my name would be stamped on the side of the right shoe. When I pulled the first shoe out of the box and realized it was actually embroidered – well, let’s just say Pharrell’s song, “Happy” came to mind! I was most certainly “HAPPY”!!!!!

I immediately put them on! And if you knew me, I never do anything like that. Seriously. I will buy a new item of clothing, shoes or even a new sewing machine. I won’t wear or use the item for a while. Actually, not until my husband asks why I’m not using the new thing! But this time, I put them on and began snapping pictures! I took the one above —

And then this one…


And then this one…


And then this one…IMG_1484

And lastly, this one…


My hubby just kept smiling watching me be so excited about my new shoes! What can I say – I was just…(here it comes) so “Tickled Pink” with my new Converse.

I usually don’t have such a positive experience when I order things. I for sure have not had something arrive that was better than what I thought it/they would be. It was truly a Tickled Pink kinda day!!!

Talk back to me…have you ever ordered something and it arrived even better than you thought? Share your experience with us below! I’d love to hear your story!

Tammy Sig