Author: Tammy
I Forgot Something!
I did forget something! Did you see what is over here at the top of the sidebar that’s looking all pretty?
I have a Button or Badge or Gadget or Thingamajig!!!! Yeah, whatever the technical term is – I’ve seen it written so many ways. Whatever you choose to call it—I’m just so excited that I finally have one. No, again I cannot tell a lie – this cute little Button was designed by my Blog page Interior Decorator!
I have to say, though, I love it! So, if you’re a blogger, feel free to copy and paste it over to your site now that it’s ready. I would appreciate it, if you care to choose to.
That’s what I forgot to tell you. About the Button!
But since you’re already here……..
I have to tell you a funny story about the new design that I think is really neat. My friend, Kristy, who did all my “re-decorating” of the blog digs, knows I LOVE pink. I think just about everybody knows or at leasts gets the hint! But–she had no idea the connection to argyle I have with my Dad who passed in 1994. I’ve never told her the story so she would have no clue.
My dad was notorious for wearing argyle socks. He also loved argyle vests and on occasion would wear a sweater. But – he ALWAYS had argyle socks on. All his friends and family just knew that about him. He was a die-hard football player, motorcycle riding kind of guy…a brute so to speak! So he took a lot of razzing for his argyles. Which, if you knew my dad, that just made him roll his Levi’s a little higher so they could see them!
At my dad’s calling hours back in January 1994, it seemed argyles were the hot topic, so much so that it became rather funny. As each of his old motorcycle buddies and old football friends would come up and talk to me, they would be very respectful and kind and then they would put their heads down with a little smirk and say, “I just gotta ask…does Don have on argyles?”
I would grin from ear to ear and reply, “Do you think he would allow me peace if I let them put him in there without them?” Which would break the awkwardness and let them walk away with a smile and warm reminder of the rough-tough Don, going to his grave in argyles.
Kristy had no idea when she picked out the design. But God did. And through that little moment, he gave me a smile that just turned me Tickled Pink, giggling with my friend over argyles. Another giggly moment remembering my dad and his argyles!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!
Well, Whaddya Think?
Hey there bloggity friends! How are you this wonderful fall day – well at least in Ohio! I’m so loving this day with bright blue skies, sun smiling down on us and a crisp 57 degrees. It is one of those kind of days where you want to put on your hoodie and favorite jeans and go about your day! I so love fall in Ohio. When winter hits – nah…not so much! I’m ready to head south or super west to Hawaii when that weather arrives! I don’t mind some of our rainy days in the fall, especially since I have a boat load of books waiting for one of those days! I’m sure we will be having another one soon – it’s Ohio after all. We jokingly say – if you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes…it will change!
While you are here today – do you notice anything different? Huh-Huh? Looks really nice doesn’t it? I am going to take no credit for this at all – none, nada, zilch! My writing friend and digital design diva has been working on the new and upgraded site. We’re not all the way done yet, but I just couldn’t stand waiting any longer to at least let you have a peak around. Hey, I figured I have new writing digs to work in, you all should have new reading digs! Yeah, I’m so cleaver!
I will have one more photo of the writing office soon as I received a beautiful gift from my dear friend, Cathy! We have known each other since 7th grade and been through a lot together in those 41 many years! Love. That. Lady! She made me something really cool and I’m not going to spoil it…you’ll just have to wait until it’s ready for the picture to be taken and shared on here! I can’t wait. Both – to get it done and to share it with you, too!
Also, I’m really excited about a new endeavor I’m about to embark on with my writing friend in October. We’re not supposed to tell anybody just quite yet – but it’s big. The powers that be will have a huge launch for us as well as a bunch of other women, but I’m just going to have to leave you in suspense. It is something totally different then you are used to here, but it is something that both my friend and I are very passionate about (well, that and we feel God is really pushing {read-lovingly nagging} us to do! That’ll motivate ya!). The launch will be the first week of October and I promise to let you know about it here. Let’s just say…if you have had a time with a blue day, a depressed season or walked along side anyone that has…you will want to see what we are up to. That’s all – I can’t say more!
Oh—and I almost forgot! My “Blog Advisors”—aka: Writing Buddies—told me I need to own my site, so you can now just type in WooooHooooo – I’m just a dot com. You don’t have to type the in there. I’m still in the same location – I just “own” it! But even better than that, it is so much easier if you get my posts automatically sent to your e-mail by subscribing in the box over on the right-hand sidebar —-> . This makes it easy to see what I’ve been up to. AND – how you can let me know what you’re up to as well! While you are over there on the right, why don’t you become one of my followers! (Ok, why should you?—well, in all honestly, it helps build this thing called a Platform, so when I finish writing the books I’m working on, a publisher or agent will take me a little more serious with a “little help from my friends” to quote the Beatles!”) So, will you be a “friend” and give me a “little help”? Would love it if you would – and I’d love you for it!
AND – another thing those “Advisors” strongly suggested I do – I did. I’m now on Twitter. Hmmm, does that make me a Twitt? I’m very concerned about that! Anyway – you can find me on Twitter here: @tickledpinktam . Yes, first restriction–not enough spots to write Tammy. This is going to be challenging for me I have to admit. I mean, come on, you are restricted to 140 words when you tweet…140 words. ARE YOU KIDDIN’ ME? That isn’t even a warm up for me! Oh my goodness!
Now you know a smidgen of what I’ve been up to in my little corner of bloggyland. But, do you know what’s even more important to me? I would absolutely LOVE to know what you’ve been up to? If we could – I’d love to meet up at Caribou Coffee and order up a Pumpkin White Chocolate Mocha and sit a spell and talk for hours! So, until we can schedule that in – or I figure out how to Skype (’cause I’m sure my “Advisors” will be on me when they see I haven’t done that either!” let’s just visit here. Please leave me a comment below and tell me what you are up to this beautiful September. And – that you have become one of my followers! Thanks, friend!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!