Author: Tammy

Happy Saturday!

How goes it in your part of the world?  It’s been a blur of activity around our little part of the world. We have a lot of things going on in our family, and a big announcement that we have not been able to say until now!  NO – it’s not what your thinking!

Anyway…focus back over here…

As I’ve shared before, we are three only children in our household.  Recently, our one and only has accepted a position with a promotion to another university. We are thrilled to pieces for her and yet, sad for us. The three of us are very close and she will now be 9-10 hours away. No more, “hey, wanna go get dinner? Do you want to go shopping?” That will be a little difficult that far away. The positive side of it, we now have a new getaway destination! Since she’s moving south and closer to the ocean–we’re trying to focus our thoughts on those things!

Yet, this Mama’s heart is having a hard time letting her go. As much as I want this for her, it saddens me to know she’s that far away. I would appreciate your prayers on that!

In other news, I have been sharing about the writing project, NaNoWriMo,  I have been doing this November. It has made me write every day with the goal of 50,000 words by November 30.  I have joked a lot about the fact that if I could talk it, I would have been done by November 2 at noon! My mom always said I had diarrhea of the mouth, it just runs and runs. So I could have long been done.  I know there are programs out there where you talk your words into your computer, but I’m quite sure they would not have been able to keep up! But that’s what I have been up to this month.

I also have acquired a whole bunch of new books that I am looking forward to sharing with you.  So, beginning in January, I am planning a monthly giveaway package, so make sure you watch for those!

I haven’t shared yet all my thoughts on my recent trip to the blogger conference I went to, but I will be sharing about that soon! Gotta get this 50,000 words done first! I will share one little tidbit though. The conference made me realize how much I love doing this blog and sharing thoughts back and forth with all of you.  It’s been a great way to connect and make so many new friends all across the country. While at the conference in Pennsylvania, I was able to meet so many blogger friends as well, ladies that I have talked to for months. Now THAT made me “Tickled Pink”! I was so blessed to be able to connect with so many of these ladies I have met through Better Writer, Better Blogs and Allume Newbies on Facebook — “hey girls!”

As we head into this week of Thanksgiving, I hope you will stop and think of a huge list of things to be thankful for. I have a huge list started and I have been trying to add to it the whole month.  But one of the things I am very thankful for is you. Yes, you! I am thankful to each of you for popping in, or getting my posts dropped in your e-mail inbox or are on Networked Blogs with me. I am thankful that you take a little time out of your busy day to read my musings for the moment. From my heart…Thank You!

So that’s some of the stuff happening over in my neck of cyber world – what’s been happening in your part of the world?  Share a comment below.  You might want to try doing that more often to get used to it…come January, you just might be rewarded for doing so! Jus’ sayin’!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!

Happy Thankgiving, Y’all!


Look What’s Out My Window!

Yo Yo!  I have missed chatting with all you bloggy friends over the last couple weeks.  I’ve had a lot of real cool things going on, so I thought I would spend just a few minutes this morning catching up on a few things that I can talk about at this point!

I did make it to my scheduled trip to the Allume Conference back on October 25-27.  It was a blur of a weekend with meeting up with cyber friends, sessions, meeting up with friends, sessions, giggling up with friends….. Anyhow – it was a quick weekend, but full of fun things, but that post will come another time as I’m still sorting out the stuff!

I am thick into a writing project called NaNoWriMo at the present time, which is taking more time that I thought it would – but I have to say I am having an absolute blast.  What’s NaNoWriMo you ask? Don’t worry, I get that reaction every time I say it!  It’s National Novel Writing Month.  For the 30 days of November, the writer is to write every day throwing away all the rules and just write, write, write, with the end goal being 50,000 words!  Yup, that is a 50 with three zeros behind it!  You have to log in everyday for it to count, but you do not have daily word count requirements.  Whew, good thing!  Yesterday was a fast paced, weird kinda day and I only managed to push for 641 words. My new total is 12,718 – leaving 37,282 to go! No problem. I am really having a blast at it.  So, once I hit November 30th, I can say a wrote a draft for a novel in November 2012 for the NaNoWriMo project.  It’s bragging rights, folks! Come December, it’s edit, edit, edit! I have already hinted at my editor at that I will be having something coming!

Oh, while I’m on that subject…for those of you who are writers that follow along on my blog, if you don’t already have an editor, or are not pleased with the one you have, I’d love to share my editor with you. (Really, I do share!) You can find Niccol at  Pssst:  can I tell you a secret?  If you mention that “Tickled Pink Tammy” sent you, she will give you 10% off any of her services through December 31st!  Jus’ sayin’!

Anyway…with the yucky rain we have had for most of the last two plus weeks, it’s been so hard to write.  I felt that my writing would be yucky, kinda like the weather!  Though I have been doing the Nano thing, Tickled Pink hasn’t been on here.  And then today came and I’m sitting at my office in my hubby’s massage office and this is what I looked out the window to see:

Can you believe it?! It’s a beautiful blue sky and super sunny.  In Ohio, gang…OH. I. O! And it’s a balmy 45*.  Almost time for flip-flops! Which gave me words to do more writing.  And, to pop in here and say — YO!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!

So…what have y’all been up to while I was away?  Please share, I’d love to know and I guess I’m a little nosy as to what’s going on in your part of the world!!


Five Minute Friday—LIVE!!!!!

Yes, tonight I am actually doing a Five Minute Friday with 70+ other Five Minute Friday Bloggers – LIVE!!! We are gathered with 400+ other Women Bloggers at Allume in Hershey, PA!!!

We are all awaiting the “word of the week”…So here we go!


So, here is our word and we were just told to GO!!  Voice!
Wow, when I think of voice, the first thing that comes to my mind is that I would go absolutely crazy if I lost my voice.  When I have lost it during a cold or flu, it seems to be the one thing about the sickness that most bothers me.
Because I love to talk.  Without a voice, it can be difficult for someone who is a chatty cathy!  I remember when I was younger my father would say – would you JUST. Take. A. Breather. Even a little one.  And unfortunately this happened often.  As an only child – there was never siblings to share that voice with, so it was shared with anyone who would hold still long enough!  If they moved, well, I would just move with them!
I have aged since that time.  Quite a bit, in fact.  But I still have that desire to use my Voice!  Those of you who know me personally can certainly attest to that!  
Voice – it’s a beautiful thing.  Unless of course you are my hubby, stuck in a car with me for a long ride to this conference.  There was a lot of Voice on my part being used on the drive, today!  
No, seriously…so much to say…so much Voice to be used…and so many miles to use it!
What about you?  Do you use your voice?  Use it now and share with me in the comments below!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!