
Can You Really Laugh Through All Things?

I believe the answer to that question is YES!
Most definitely, Yes!

If you’re missing me this week, have no fear, I’m still here in cyberspace!  It’s just that I’m visiting someone else’s blog on the west coast!  Too bad I didn’t get to fly out to write and post, huh?!
I’m posting on a blog that happens to be one that I follow regularly. I met Laurie at my She Speaks conference last July and she is such a sweet lady.  Her gentle temperment is admirable and her sweet smile is infectious! She’s a life coach who loves seeing people become confident in who they are and who God intended them to be.  Maybe she could help me!  Or you, if you’re in that spot in life.
Anyway, please come on over to Laurie’s blog and visit us by clicking here:  Living Power Life Coaching.  I’d love to hear what you have to say about my post today, so please pop back over here and leave me a message!
It’s such a gorgeous 72* weather here in Northeast Ohio it’s just making me “Tickled Pink.”  I hope the weather is beautiful where you are, too.  
Whether or not it’s nice out where you are, I dare you to find a reason to laugh today.  Your oblique muscles (stomach/side) are begging to be used today!  You wanna talk about some ab crunches – get your giggle on baby, tell me that doesn’t make those obliques tighten up!  Dare ya!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!

How to Decipher March’s Entrance!

We have all probably heard the old wives’ tale:  If March comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lion or if in like a lion, then it will go out like a lamb.  Yet, here in Northeast Ohio, March has come in more like a lioamb or would it be a lamion.

March 1st and 2nd were rather non descript.  Not really a lion nor a lamb in terms of weather designation.  A little cool, some flurries, warm sun, then breezy cool air again.  That was just March 1st!

So, does that mean that all of March will be the same way?  Everyday is a roll of the dice as to what we will have.  Sometimes it matches the weather man’s prediction and sometimes not.

Those of us with sinus issues are having a wonderful time (cough-cough, insert sarcasm here!).  We walk around with headaches.  The weather stays the same a day or so and our headaches subside.  Then, the weather changes again, another headache comes.  Welcome to the land of ever changing weather and persistent headaches.  Yay Ohio!

My husband lovingly calls me during spring and fall,  “my own little barometer head.”  Which in my own warped mind, I have decided that it is a term of endearment.  Not in any way a sarcastic attempt to say,  “girl-you’re all messed up.”

As I sit here typing away, looking out the window, it has once again started to snow.  It’s the big flake, fluffy, pretty kind that doesn’t really stick to the ground.  THAT kind of snow I could handle a lot of.  However, as with most weather here, this won’t last long.  While we have light blue skies, a little gray cloud that moves over every now and then and drops some white fluff and a super high temperature of 28 degrees – have no fear my friends, tomorrow it is supposed to be sunny and 50 degrees!

I gotta go.  There’s a huge glass of water and a bottle of Motrin with my name written all over them!

…and that’s all I have to say about that.
