This is the truck I recently drove with half our home’s belongings inside. No, not really. But that’s what it felt like to me!
We have made the decision to move south to join our daughter in the near future. We took our regularly scheduled visit to see her to take a bunch of things down that we aren’t using on a daily basis to get the house “sell ready.” My hubby decided that I was the better driver of the two of us and that I would drive the rented moving truck. I was not, however, excited about the prospect. Not in the least! But I decided to go along with it. Well, actually, I didn’t have much choice!
Ahem…cough, cough! If you call gripping the shaking wheel with white knuckles, hunched over and pulled clear up to the window and sweating like a dripping sponge a boss – then yeah, that was me!
I’m Tickled Pink to say, that God is good and is still in the prayer answering business. I had already asked a few prayer warriors to pray for my drive and my hubby and I had done the same before we left the driveway. In fact, we never leave the driveway on a trip without first praying for our travels. Since I was driving the truck alone as he drove our van behind me, I asked for extra prayers from many! As we left our driveway and wove out of the development my nerves started to ramp up. The truck was a 16 footer and was loaded down. It swayed and rocked and so did my stomach.
We finally made it to the highway and I positioned myself into a spot I was okay with. Or so I thought. I noticed my hands were starting to sweat. I realized I was sweating and the air conditioner was on. I began to not be able to breath calmly. Then I started getting upset with myself that I was out of control. And we were eight — 8 — minutes from home. The ten hour drive was going to be a very long one. I picked up the walkie talkie and called back to my hubby behind me. I informed him that I was getting off at the next exit and going back home. He told me it wasn’t an option, calm down, take a deep breath and that I would be fine.
As God would have it, He gave me a gift about and hour and a half into the trip. We had just come through two main city’s rush hours and I was about to call back to my hubby that I needed a break at the upcoming rest stop. I shouted to myself, “Good grief girl, pull yourself together.” At about that point, I noticed all the red lights in front of me and started to slow that heavy truck down. With the traffic all stopped, it was evident that there must be an accident as we had no construction signs. Eventually, most of us turned off our cars/trucks and waited. At this point, I texted my prayer warriors with an update of the accident and that I really felt like I was on the verge of a panic attack. They all texted back words of encouragement and promises of prayers.
After our twenty minutes of sitting, the cars began to slowly move. I realized my racing heart had slowed down and I was a little more at peace. Thank you, God!
Off we go. Until…
The West Virginia Turnpike!
Oh. My. Word! I’ve never been a fan of those S curves and drop–offs on each side of the highway, but with a loaded truck – this was terrible. My heart began to race again. My palms were dripping wet. And the air conditioner on high was doing me no good – I was so hot and sweaty.
Now, I have memorized a lot of scripture in my old age. And on any given day I can pull up the verse and recite it when needed. Except, of course, today when I needed it the most! I wanted to calm my nerves so the verse I wanted I knew was in Philippians. But I couldn’t think of the the chapter or the verse. I couldn’t even think of all the words! AND I’ve recited this verse a bazillion times! So – all I said was:
“Anxious for nothing, by prayer and supplication.”
I just kept saying it out loud over and over and over all through the entire West Virginia curvy Turnpike. I had most of it, and I knew I needed something to hang onto to rid myself of the fear of this truck. The actual verse is this:
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6 NIV
And again, God was good and I made it through unscathed! I’m so Tickled Pink for His answers to my prayer of safety over and over!
When I was further down Route 77, I began to laugh at the fact of how a verse I have known and used for the better part of my life was just gone. I had a few words, but for the life of me I could not get the whole verse. Then I was reminded of a talk I heard Kay Arthur (a well-known Bible teacher) say of a time she had a similar situation to my dilemma. She was in a stressful and fearful moment and knew she wanted to pull on the verse Psalm 91:4 – “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” (NIV) Her story made me laugh then and it brought me back to a chuckle at that point. She shared that she, too, had memorized a verse and used it over and over. At that moment of stress – she could only remember one word. She said, “Beloved, I could not come up with the verse I knew so well, but I remembered a word and started shouting it at the top of my lungs…FEATHERS, FEATHERS, FEATHERS. And you know what ladies, He knew what I meant.”
I knew He knew what I meant, too, because I was now two states away from that crazy turnpike and was doing fine! I was VERY Tickled Pink!
Though it took us an extra hour and half over our usual drive time, we arrived safely. And I must confess, this is the actual size moving truck I drove:

It just felt like a semi truck!
What about you? Was there ever a time, when you tried to pull on a scripture that you knew for sure you had memorized and had also used many times before but for some reason it just would not come to you? Were you able to at least remember a word and lean on that? I’m thinking He will still get what you’re thinking!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!