

Have you ever had a plan to surprise someone? If so, isn’t it fun?  

I did this to my friend, Kimberly Rae, who was in Ohio this last week from her home in the Carolinas.  We both attended the Writer/Speaker Conference, She Speaks, last July.  We met through the She Facebooks private group and hit it off.  You’ve actually met her here on my blog before right here!  

When I found out she was going to be within 1-1/2 hours from my house, I told her we need to try to get together.  She agreed! We were to meet up on Wednesday for lunch, but it didn’t work out after all.  So, I made other plans…without her knowing what I was up to!! Hehehe!

Besides visiting family, she was giving a presentation at the local library about her three books regarding Human Trafficking, the newest one out this year!  I couldn’t make that, but – I found out that she would be doing a book signing at a coffee shop on Saturday morning!  Score!

All week long, I looked forward to meeting up with her.  Hubby decided to go along with me.  We left a little later than we wanted to, but we figured we could “make up time” on the turnpike.  Except for one (or many) things…orange barrels!  Yep, it’s summer in Ohio, which means orange barrel season – everywhere! Road work took up many miles, and of course we found a true law-abiding citizen!  C’mon lady – I gotta friend to catch!

I kept playing with my iPhone maps app that updates your miles and estimated time.  I would update, then panic as we seemed to be losing time.  Yikes!

We finally got off the turnpike.  The book signing was between 9-11, it was now 11:04.  I just kept hoping that she was so busy signing books that she would still be there.

As we came into the old downtown area, which is really nice, we spied the coffee shop on the corner.  My hubby saw that the light was turning red and said, “I’ll stop and you can jump out and go over to the coffee shop, then I will go find a place to park and join you.”

Well, my brain in panic mode hears, “There’s the coffee shop, jump out and run over before she leaves.”  I’m sure that’s what he meant, really.

As the car was slowing down, I literally opened the door, put my foot out toward the ground and realized – SHOOT – we’re moving, minor problem.  I waited for it to be moving “slower” and made my dash!

I came in, and saw that she was still there talking with someone.  There was an empty chair beside her, so I walked over and sat down.  Since we have never met in person, and my profile picture is old, she had no idea who was sitting beside her.  She turned and asked me if I wanted my hand painted with Henna?  I said, “No, do you know who I am?”  She shakes her head no, with a smile.  I said, “well I have pink on and I usually am known for being Tickled Pink.”

Now she knows!  She then exclaims, “Oh, you came!  I didn’t know you were coming!”

We had a lot of fun catching up.  My hubby and I got to meet her family and she then invited us to go up the street to a pizza place and have lunch with everyone.  It was such a blast!  And it was so much fun pulling off a big surprise!

Here we are underneath the poster for her event!
Have you ever pulled off a surprise for someone?  Whether it was a big event or just a surprise visit – I’d love to hear your story.

‘Cause – ya know…everybody can use a surprise to make them smile!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!



Yes indeedy blog friends!  There is definitely a party going on right here.  Though I may not be exactly dancing on the ceiling, I am for sure…wait for it…TICKLED PINK! C’mon, you knew it was coming, didn’t you?

So what’s the party all about?  Can you make a guess?  Today is my anniversary.  Not my wedding anniversary – that was September when the ‘ol hubster and I celebrated 30 years of bliss…er, well married years!  No, the anniversary is of Tickled Pink Tammy being live and online to hang out with all of you!
Yessiree, one year ago today, I plunged into the world of the blogsphere.  It has been a fantastic year with you all and I have had so much fun learning.  Learning about this whole blog thingy, learning who I am as a writer and the special part has been learning about some of you.  Some of you comment on the blog and some of you have e-mailed me privately.  I appreciate both of them as I love talking to all of you.  Because, well, basically I just love to talk!  But the best thing for me is when YOU talk and I listen.  What you don’t realize is that I learn from you and it gives me more to write about!  TeeHeeHee!  Don’t worry, I will never, ever give names!  But I do not promise that I won’t share a funny story, after all, I’m always after a good laugh!  Hopefully you are to, as it sure makes the rough days a little less rough.  I have been known to bust out into a cackle in public places…alone!  Now that’s funny, because if you watch the faces of the people around you as you remember something that tickled you pink – it is so priceless.  Hmmm, maybe that should be something I add to the blog this year.  A section entitled…”Expressions of People Watching Me Crack Myself Up”.  You have to admit, that would be really good.  In fact, I’m laughing now, thinking of some of the faces of confused folks watching me this past year!  Yeah, I’m that silly!  Hey wait, since I always have my little PINK camera in my purse – wait – you don’t think I have a pink camera?  Looky here below…

And of course I carry it in a pink case from my daughter (yes, she contributes to the habit!) and it comes out of my PINK purse!   Would you expect anything else from me?

Oh my…I’m just laughing thinking that you must think I’ve lost my ever pinkin’ mind!

Anyway – I’m celebrating one year here at Tickled Pink Tammy and I want to express my gratitude to all of you who are my faithful followers.  Thank you.  Those of you who are new, welcome, I am very glad to have you along for the fun.

If you haven’t already subscribed to receive my blog posts to drop into your e-mail inbox, consider doing that.  I have quite a few that I do that for and love not missing any of the posts.  When I have forgotten to  subscribe to one of my favorites,  I find it is time consuming going back and trying to catch up on what I’ve missed! You don’t want to be outta the loop, ya know!

Don’t miss out on the laughter and encouragement for this thing we call life that I have in store for you in 2012.  I will be writing more encouraging and funny stories from my life as well as share some of the funny stories I’ve heard you tell.  I’m telling you, some of these may make you run for the little girl’s room you’ll be cracking up that bad!

So – sign up for the e-mail so you don’t miss a thing!  It’s going to be a hilarious twenty-twelve!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!



Greetings dear Bloggity Friends!

It’s Christmas Eve and I didn’t want to miss this opportunity to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas! I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas Day with all the people you love the mostest!  As for me, I will be spending Christmas Day with my two favorite people in the world, my hubby, Larry (aka Blog Fodder) and our daughter, Kristen.  And I cannot forgot the princess of the house, our 4-1/2 pound yorkie, Toto, who is Miss Attitude all the way!

As 2011 winds down, I have been reflecting on my time here on the blog.  I have had a blast sharing funny stories with all of you.  I have had fun introducing you to some of the sweet ladies I’ve met through my Writer’s Conference last summer.  And most importantly, I have truly enjoyed spending time with all of you.  I really have appreciated the feedback you have given me telling me I’ve made you smile or even at times, “Tickled You Pink”!  Those of you who have written to me have blessed me a bunch!  Thank you!

Before you think this may be a farewell letter, don’t fret, I am so looking forward to writing more in 2012 as well as hopefully hearing from more of you!  I love writing here and I love hearing from you, too.

My prayer for all of you as we head into the new year is this:

May you find joy every day.  May that joy bring you a smile.  And may that smile bring laughter to your heart then through your vocal cords as you crack up at what the day brings you!  Why?  Because then people just wonder what the heck you are up to!  Just ask me how I know!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!

Merry Christmas and Happy 2012 Everyone!