Tickled Pink Tammy


Happy Monday!  Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Over here in Tickled Pink Land it was pretty cool! Not only did I celebrate the second anniversary of my blog on Friday the 11th, but yesterday, the 13th,  the hubby and I celebrated the fact that 35 years ago we met at his Fraternity house party.

I am sure you don’t really want to hear all about how after months of stalking the poor guy, we finally met at his fraternity. Or how because I had to go to my sorority dance with a date and had to ask someone out that I set my sights on the cute blonde-haired, blue eyed guy I’d been stalking. Or that here we are 35 years later still crazy in love with each other.

Ewwwww, how weird!!!

Actually, I’m sure you popped back in to see who won the first of the many giveaways planned over here in Tickled Pink Land this year!

So, without further stalling, the winner is (as chosen by scientifically writing names of all posters on slips of paper and letting one said above cute guy pull out of the pile):


Congratulations Loretta! If you would please e-mail me at: tickledpinktammy@gmail.com where you would like your prize sent to, I will get on it as soon as I receive the address!
Thank you to all who commented!
Stick around this year and gather your friends ’cause there are more prizes coming along to make you Tickled Pink!!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!

Happy Anniversary To Tickled Pink!!!

I can hardly believe it’s been two years since I opened up this blog and opened up my world to all of you who follow along! It has been a blast chatting with you and sharing “stuff” that goes through my head! Sometimes it has been a memory or two that brought me to giggles again, sometimes a memory that was not so funny. Nonetheless, I have shared a little about me and you, in turn, have done the same. 
I am grateful for each of you who pop in here whether you comment or not. Though I LOVE when you do comment, then it let’s me converse with you and find out a little about you, too!
Two years ago today, I posted my first blog post And Here We Go! It was sketchy at best, but it opened the door out into the blogsphere! I have to tell you that it has been a blast. I have met so many great people through this endeavor and I can’t imagine the last two years without it!
I have some stories ready to throw out here for 2013 and even better, I have some giveaways lined up that you will want to make sure you watch for!  If you haven’t logged in over on the side to be a follower or subscriber, now might be a good time!
Even though it’s “Tickled Pink’s” two year anniversary I’m celebrating today, I want to give one of you a gift. BUT, you will have to go down to the comment section to be entered!  I have a gift package that I want to give one of you that will be randomly selected on Sunday evening. So here’s what you need to do to be entered:
          Go to the comment section below and enter your first name and tell me the favorite gift
          you ever received – EVER! If you have two, well, okay – I’ll allow two! 
          Leave your comment by midnight Saturday, 1/12/13 to be entered.
And here’s the package for this Anniversary Giveaway:
Matching mini notebook, list pad, cards, pen, votive holder & manicure set

Again, Happy Two Year Anniversary to “Tickled Pink” and a huge “Tickled Pink” thank you to each and everyone who pop in over here in my happy pink world!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!


And Then….On The Twenty Fifth Day Of Christmas!!!

And then it was the Twenty Fifth Day of Christmas
which is, in fact, Christmas Day! Duh, right?

But before we get to that, before I opened my gift this morning,
I actually did something first.
After whining about seeing these things all 24 days prior to the “actual” day I was allowed to have them, 
I got busy with Christmas Day
preparations and I forgot to have “them”. 
So, before I opened anything…

THE PEEPS!!!!!!!!!
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TA DA! All done! No more whining to have my PEEPS!!!
And then…
This beautiful PINK suede purse/tote bag. It is really soft, I wish you all could feel it. I’m thinking it will become my Devotional Tote for 2013. I can put my PINK journal I got last week with my polka dot pen, a couple of the books I got and add one of my Bibles, hmmm, maybe the PINK one and I will be set!
As I sit here on Christmas Day, 2012 at 3:49 PM, I want to tell my True Friend that what you set out to do this December, worked! You may never know how much your thoughtfulness and love–to cheer me up at Christmas–has done for me this year. I hope through the coming years I will be able to show you how much I have appreciated all your work and effort that you did on my behalf. You mean the world to me. I love you and just so you know, I LOVE CHRISTMAS, too!
And to all of you who have had fun following along this twenty five days of Christmas with me, Thank You! I have enjoyed your comments here as well as e-mails, too. I appreciate each and every one of you who pop over here to “Tickled Pink Tammy”.  I hope you’ll come back often! I have some fun things in store for 2013, and some fun giveaways lined up so you’ll want to check back often. Or–you could subscribe to receive an e-mail when I have posted. You could also become a follower on the side bar as well, I’d love to have you do that. Thank you to the 50 of you who have done so already!
To all of you who visit here – I wish you the Merriest of Christmas Holidays!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!