
On The Eighth Day Of Christmas!


Wait…before I reveal anything for today – help me settle a dispute, would ya? Please leave your comment on the question I will ask below. I will go with the majority answer, so please let me hear your thoughts on this matter! However, there is ONE person who may NOT respond to this question – and you know who you are!!  TeeHeeHee! I will let the readers decide!

     Question: What constitutes “a new day”?  Is it at midnight when it becomes the next new day?
                      Or is it AFTER you have gone to bed and woke up that it is the next new day?

Please leave your comments below…this will help ME tremendously!!

Okay, without further ado (or goofiness….). Here is what the Eighth Day package revealed (at 10:20 AM, by the way,  Miss So and So!!!)

As a lover of words, I cannot wait to dig into this new book! I always tell my hubby I love going into a bookstore or library…it’s like meeting up with a million of my closest friends with all the characters in the books!

So, don’t forget to chime in with your idea of when a new day is. I’ll fill you in tomorrow on why I needed to know! Don’t leave me hanging…I need your thoughts!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!


Happy Saturday!

How goes it in your part of the world?  It’s been a blur of activity around our little part of the world. We have a lot of things going on in our family, and a big announcement that we have not been able to say until now!  NO – it’s not what your thinking!

Anyway…focus back over here…

As I’ve shared before, we are three only children in our household.  Recently, our one and only has accepted a position with a promotion to another university. We are thrilled to pieces for her and yet, sad for us. The three of us are very close and she will now be 9-10 hours away. No more, “hey, wanna go get dinner? Do you want to go shopping?” That will be a little difficult that far away. The positive side of it, we now have a new getaway destination! Since she’s moving south and closer to the ocean–we’re trying to focus our thoughts on those things!

Yet, this Mama’s heart is having a hard time letting her go. As much as I want this for her, it saddens me to know she’s that far away. I would appreciate your prayers on that!

In other news, I have been sharing about the writing project, NaNoWriMo,  I have been doing this November. It has made me write every day with the goal of 50,000 words by November 30.  I have joked a lot about the fact that if I could talk it, I would have been done by November 2 at noon! My mom always said I had diarrhea of the mouth, it just runs and runs. So I could have long been done.  I know there are programs out there where you talk your words into your computer, but I’m quite sure they would not have been able to keep up! But that’s what I have been up to this month.

I also have acquired a whole bunch of new books that I am looking forward to sharing with you.  So, beginning in January, I am planning a monthly giveaway package, so make sure you watch for those!

I haven’t shared yet all my thoughts on my recent trip to the blogger conference I went to, but I will be sharing about that soon! Gotta get this 50,000 words done first! I will share one little tidbit though. The conference made me realize how much I love doing this blog and sharing thoughts back and forth with all of you.  It’s been a great way to connect and make so many new friends all across the country. While at the conference in Pennsylvania, I was able to meet so many blogger friends as well, ladies that I have talked to for months. Now THAT made me “Tickled Pink”! I was so blessed to be able to connect with so many of these ladies I have met through Better Writer, Better Blogs and Allume Newbies on Facebook — “hey girls!”

As we head into this week of Thanksgiving, I hope you will stop and think of a huge list of things to be thankful for. I have a huge list started and I have been trying to add to it the whole month.  But one of the things I am very thankful for is you. Yes, you! I am thankful to each of you for popping in, or getting my posts dropped in your e-mail inbox or are on Networked Blogs with me. I am thankful that you take a little time out of your busy day to read my musings for the moment. From my heart…Thank You!

So that’s some of the stuff happening over in my neck of cyber world – what’s been happening in your part of the world?  Share a comment below.  You might want to try doing that more often to get used to it…come January, you just might be rewarded for doing so! Jus’ sayin’!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!

Happy Thankgiving, Y’all!
