Author: Tammy

Is Your Christmas Perfect?



This post today is only going to be a teaser for you! I’m posting over at Ask God Today Ministries and I’ve done something today I have never done before! GASP!!! And I’m not telling what it is either either! What I will tell is that I’m actually tattling on myself. Yep, mmmhmmm!! I’m admitting something about myself and how I was schooled by a wee little one!

Oh yeah! But you are just going to have to click over here => Tammy Tattles on Herself!   But it does have something to do with

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Friendship is Heart Warming Indeed!



I’m so excited to join in the fun on a new Link-up. Beginning today, ASK GOD TODAY MINISTRIES will be doing a link up entitled – WARM HEARTED WEDNESDAY LINK UP. We will be providing a prompt each time to help you with your post. Take the time you need to write what’s on your heart. I so hope I’ll see you over there!

Today’s prompt:  “Share a recent experience that you are thankful for.”

That’s really a tough one! It’s not because there hasn’t been anything to be thankful for recently, it’s that which one do I pick to write about! I think I’ll have to go with the one experience that was the “most” recent!

We were in South Carolina for the Thanksgiving holiday week visiting our daughter (which we were very thankful for). But the end of the week before leaving to go home, I had the privilege to meet up with a few of the ladies from my writing team with Ask God Today Ministries. Most of us had met up in Nashville at the beginning of the month for a 2016 planning retreat (which I can’t wait to share more about that!!). So to then end the month with lunch with several of them was so much fun.

It warms my heart so much to be serving on this team with ALL of these women. These women are so encouraging and inspiring and I just love talking with and being around them all. Their love for God overflows into all their conversations!

So to be able to grab lunch with three of them this past Monday just topped off a great week. Made my thankfulness meter hit the top!


We chatted a mile a minute and laughed almost to the point of snorting!

I’m very thankful for each of the women I serve with this on this team. And I’m thankful that we were able to wiggle out some time this holiday to catch up with each other.

And of course – there’s always time for being silly together…


Now it’s your turn…head on over to WARM HEARTED WEDNESDAY LINK UP and join in the fun! I can’t wait to get this party started!




Sweet Memories

My Sweet Grandma!

My Sweet Grandma!


May always brings thoughts of joy and sadness for me. My grandma’s birthday is this month, and she would have been 105 years old tomorrow (5/16/15). I lost her 46 days before her 100th birthday in 2010. I often say, “Oh, if I could just have one more day with my grandma.” So many questions I’d ask, so many things I would love to tell her. I wish she could know what a great example she was to me, how much I truly miss sitting and holding her hand as she tells me a sweet story of “down home.”

My grandma was always such an inspiration to me in my walk with the Lord even when I didn’t understand what her life exemplified to my young heart and mind. She totally lived out the example in Titus Two:

“Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.”   (Titus 2: 3-5  ESV)


Read the rest of this post by clicking here where I’m posting at Ask God Today Ministries as part of the writing team today!

Tammy Sig