Author: Tammy

But, it’s just a car!

I warned those around me that they are all fodder for this blog.   Just to show you that I’m an equal opportunity blogger of who did something funny…I’ve chosen myself for today!  First, for those of you who don’t know me personally, it’s only fair for you to know a little background.  Oh – and by the way – thanks to all of you for coming along for a little encouragement or a giggle when you read along!

I’m an only child, married to an only child, and together we have an only child.  Weird, I know!  It wasn’t in my plan – but it was in God’s plan.  And it’s all good.  However, from time to time my only childness rares it’s not so positive side!  Today being one of those days!

In our home, we have had the discussion that it’s time for me to go back to doing most of the driving again. The man in the house hates to drive.  Let’s just say it’s really obvious!  He’ll admit it, too.  I used to do all the driving when we were together and then I did a number on my back.  Some days it’s all I can do to ride along and grit my teeth from being uncomfortable from my back issue.  Some days it’s just from the driver!! Hehe!  We decided it’s time to car shop.  The vehicles we have aren’t the best for me to drive.  One is way to low (and actually is on it’s last leg), one is sort of ok and the newest is too high and hard to get into causing more pain than it’s worth.  Last weekend, thoughtful hubby made me go and get in and out of a bunch of cars and then drive them.  It over taxed my back, but was very successful in ruling some vehicles out.  Oh – and I can only buy Chrysler as he’s a Chrysler man!

Yesterday, we go to our local Chrysler dealer to look at their stock and drive a couple I didn’t manage to drive at the other dealer.  Besides, need to buy local, you know!  We narrow it down to one vehicle.  The one I don’t like the look of the most!  A little more background to be shared….I’m a real car girl.  Love me some shiny sporty looking cars!  This car, uh, nothing like it.  We come back off the lot to go inside to figure out logistics and there it is!! The car I actually wanted.  The car I wanted two years ago when we bought our other car.  And this one is even prettier than two years ago.  A black Journey with chrome wheels.  Ahhhhhhhhh!   Now what do I do?

The salesman says,  “Oh, we shouldn’t get in that, it’s sold already.”  WHAT????  So, then I have a real struggle and we talk a little more and I say I really want to think about it.  He goes into the showroom.  We are literally climbing into the car and our Salesman quickly comes over and says, “I don’t know what the office means, but they said that if you want this Journey – first sign, first get.”  Hmmm, is it the sign by five rule…it’s 2:45 PM!!

So, I get back out of the car.  Hubby just puts his head down then says, “I’m not in this one, you will have to decide which will be better for your back and only you can decide that.  I know you like the pretty.  All I’m saying is you need to decide cause you’re not blaming me if you buy a car you don’t want!”

So, I get the two vehicles side by side.  I try to get in and out of them to compare.  Yes, of course my back is now killing me from all this climbing business and I’m getting more confused as we go.

An hour later, I decide to go with my Brain and not my Heart and chose the one that would be best for my back.  Do the paperwork and walk away.  It will be ready today.  In fact, got the call two paragraphs ago that it is, in fact, ready for pick up.   Argh…..

Lost a lot of sleep last night!  Text daughter this morning about my problem.  Why on earth did I call the indecisive one?  This girl takes over an hour to decide to BUY the outfit she came to buy!!  No help there!  Hubby, text him.  He informs me I’m exhausted!  Great help there!

So, I decide maybe I should pray about it.  God’s always there, right!  So I do.

I let my husband and daughter know that I did pray about this car thing!  I told them both that God told me he really didn’t care because all he ever had to chose from was sandals or donkeys, so he couldn’t actually relate!

However, I know better.  God does actually care and He did actually speak to me about this whole event.  Not an audible voice, but a “voice” that brought me to the fact that He does care about what we do with ourselves.  The verse came to mind about our bodies being a temple of God and that it is our responsibility to care for them while on this earth.  I knew which car I should be bringing home.

In conclusion, if you live around here and see me on the road, will you wave at me in my boring, military bland car and yell….”Way to go girl, finally taking care of yourself!”

…..and that’s all I have to say about that!


No kidding, Sir!!!

It was brought to my attention last night from a buddy that I haven’t posted for a while!  Ooops!  However, I’ve been up to something really cool for me and in the long run probably for you, too!  I’ve had to do some writing for an upcoming conference I’m attending for Writers/Speakers/Women’s Ministry Leadership Women.  I’ve hit a couple days (or more than a couple!) of writer’s block or maybe just writer’s doubt in self.  However, the house was empty last night and I nearly duct taped myself to my chair at the ‘ol Mac and got to it.  I have a 750 word article due to take for presentation.  To some of you that may sound like 740 words too many (my husband for one!).  To me, that was like…”What?  And what do I do with the rest of these 1,526 words??”  That was the hard part.  Writing wasn’t hard.  Being short, sweet and concise…well that’s another matter!  For those of you who know me personally – you know what I’m talking about!!!  Now that my article is done,  (WooHoo!) I’m back with you.  I have a couple weeks left before I go (So Excited!), so I’ll try to catch up with some missing posts!  I kind of feel like the bumper sticker about George W. Bush–“Miss Me Yet?”   Lest you think I ran out of things to say or even better,  things that just plain ol’ crack me up, how about this one that follows!?

Back in the spring, I was asked to go to see a Comedienne, Anita Renfroe, whom I’ve never heard of.  I was asked by a new friend and jumped at the chance to go along and to get to know my new friend better.  Also – a night of side splitting humor sounded right up my alley, if you know what I mean.
The night of the event arrived and I drove to my new friend’s house to ride together.  She said she knew right where the church was that was hosting the event so she would drive.  The ride was only about 15 minutes.  It wasn’t raining as we left, however, about half way there it began to mist a little.  My friend said, “No big deal, I have an umbrella over on your side and one in the trunk, we are good.”
We drove into the parking lot and are directed by a parking lot crew which way to go.  We’re good compliant girls and follow their directions!  As we pulled up the row we are to park, the rain seems to pick up.  A lot.  My friend pulled into a pull-through spot.  SCORE!  I personally love those spots and especially at big events with massive amounts of people trying to get out at the exact same time!  We are now parked and start figuring out how I’m going to get out first, open the umbrella, then come around and get my friend so we can go to the trunk and get the other umbrella. Ready, set, go!
Signals cross.
I opened my door, jumped out and opened my umbrella.  I start for the front of the car to go around and I realize she is now at the trunk trying to get out the other umbrella!  Oh – and NOW it begins to downpour.  Nice.  My friend pulled out the umbrella as I’m trying to hold mine over her and me both.  Our little ol’ parking man is trying to motion for us to hurry so the other cars that he is going to park behind us don’t hit us coming in.  We are not moving fast enough and he comes over.  Mind you, the rain has decided to start pouring down harder AND sideways!  Just as our little man came up to us, my friend’s umbrella turns inside out! Yep! Totally the opposite direction.  Where it should be cupped downward towards the handle, it is now cupped upward opposite the handle.  We both laughed, but our little “friend” doesn’t find it funny.
As she tried to push the button to have it go back the opposite way so she can get it into the trunk, the rocket scientist tried to give her instructions how to close it so she can put it away and move out of the way for the incoming cars.  Now mind you, he is watching her do the exact same thing he is telling her to do!  She is so kind and smiles at him and says….”I’m trying to do that, sir!”  He kept telling her over and over, to close it.  Push the button and close it.  He looks at me and rolls his eyes and shrugs his shoulders.
Then it happened.
The fabric just took off with the wind.  I truly was half expecting Dorothy and Toto to come whizzing by anytime.  My friend tried to catch the fabric, but it was on a path of it’s own.  But, never fear–our little ‘ol, instruction giving man went and caught it for us.  Bless yer heeaarrrtttt, sir!
My friend throws the umbrella into the trunk.  All the pieces of it!  We huddle under the little umbrella and head off to the door.  Once we got into the building, we hurry to get into the line so we can get our seats.  Then we realize that we both are drenched down our entire backsides.  My friend has curly hair that is becoming more curly from the rain – I have poker straight hair that now has absolutely no hair spray or any style whatsoever!  At this point as we are checking out just how much we look like drowned rats, we notice the ever beautiful sun that has returned for the rest of the ladies arriving!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME??  We both point out the window in the lobby, look at each other, then bust out laughing.
We may have had a wet seat, wet back and wet hair, but for sure our spirits weren’t wet!  We had an evening of great laughs started off by a great belly laugh at ourselves.
I’m thinking with this first event of hanging out we’re off to a great new friendship for years to come!  Because girl, if you can look like a drowned rat, smell like a wet dog and be in an event with dolled up women (and you’re not anymore!) and still start the evening cracking up then friendship just doesn’t get any better than that!
….and that’s all I’ve got to say about that!

C’mon – anybody there?

Something happened today that reminded me of a funny story!  Surprise right!

You may have read in a blog or two that I am married to a real sugar head!  Well, he loves sugar in all sorts of ways and especially when there is a “deal”.  Leave it to McDonald’s to come up with a deal AND it be sweet!

So, the sugar buzzed guy saw a billboard with the new $.50 cone advertisement.  Now mind you, this is the same man who while driving cannot see the huge truck coming at us if his life depended on it, or mine for that matter!  But — have a sign about something sweet — now we have great vision!

Have you ever stopped to realize or even notice how many Golden Arches there are in a couple mile drive? After this past week of driving around town, I can tell you that there are quite a few of these in our ten mile radius.  Most of which we have had to drive through for Mr. Sugar to get a $.50 cone.

Today was no different!

We were moving our daughter to her new apartment.  As we were coming home, we passed yet another Golden Arches and some certain someone felt he “earned” a cone for his hard, sweaty work!  So – we went through the drive thru, but today I was driving.  I pulled up to the speaker to have our order taken.  After a little while, I said, “Hmm, is anybody here?  Or is this the…..” and then I busted out laughing.

Hence, the story I was reminded of…

A couple months ago, we were traveling to a Getaway that hubby was doing Massages at.  We left early in the morning, so we thought we would go through the Chick-fil-A and grab some breakfast…and of course some sweet tea!  He pulled up to the drive through and up to the speaker.  (Laughing reliving this right now…)  We were still talking about some stuff and nobody had come to the speaker.  He looked over and then back at me to wait.  We kept talking some more and I started thinking…man what on earth is taking so long, there wasn’t even another car in front of us.  So, while he was talking, I leaned forward a bit to see the speaker.  Aha – now I know why they aren’t taking our order—but he hasn’t figured it out yet.  He talks a bit more and I am smiling so big right now and holding back the laughter that I am about to burst.  He stops and says, “What?”  I said, “Do you think they will take your order outta that?”  Then I totally lose it.  The poor man has pulled up to the trash can!!!!  I can hardly handle it as he moves up to the REAL speaker and places our order.  I try to repress the laughter so they can hear him, but am having a hard time.  As he orders, he pulls up a bit and stops.  He then looks over at me and says, “This is going into the blog isn’t it?”  I giggled some more and said, “Oh, but of course it will!”  He then just smiled and said, “See, I just give you more to write about when I’m around!

So – what should you take away from this?  You may want to look at the different items they have in the drive thru line.  Oh, and another thing – you’d better be careful when I’m around – I may be just watching and waiting for my next blog post!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!
