Author: Tammy

Another Take On My Recent Writing Conference Experience

As I wrote in my last post regarding my experience at She Speaks Conference on July 22-25, I am still processing everything that I learned that jam-packed weekend.  I would love to tell you that now that it’s over two weeks later, I’ve got it all figured out.  I would be lying!  I think I have sorted some things out.

I knew I went feeling the call to “write” especially after my cool experience at church on June 19 – Father’s Day.  While the sermon was predominately for Dad’s, our pastor was saying “Whatever tool God has made you, use your gift/tool and do the right thing.”  Sitting there and pouting, waiting for a huge answer on the screen (oh would that ever be nice) I thought to myself again….”Ok God, I’m still waiting–what is my gift and what am I supposed to be doing?”  As I fidgeted in my seat, I set my Bible off to the side and dug around for something in my tote.  When I picked up my Bible, my page had moved and the words  WRITE/WRITING jumped off the page of the concordance and I saw no other words!  I have always told my husband, “I’m dense – God needs to send me a postcard sometimes!”  Well, when I saw those words within seconds of ranting in my mind to God, I just about jumped out of the pew.  I looked at both my husband and daughter and could hardly contain myself.  I wanted to tell them so bad, but I knew I had to wait for 21 more minutes!  Oh. My. Word.  Twenty one crazy minutes before I could speak.  I was quickly aware of what little kids sitting in church feel like!  I wanted to shout it out, but I had to wait 21 minutes!

When we finally got to the car and I could tell my incident – I realized that God did not send me a postcard or even write a message across the screen on the stage.  No.  He actually sent me a Telegram!!!  Having this experience plus a few more throughout the spring-though not as huge-I knew that I was to be at She Speaks to seek direction in my writing.

So there I was in North Carolina with 649 of my closest writing/speaking friends!  All there to learn and study the art of these crafts of writing/speaking/leading.  I wanted another huge telegram from God.  I’m not usually the patient type, but I tried.  No really – I did!!  All weekend long I kept waiting.  Waiting And waiting some more.   Others around me were becoming “enlightened”.  I was becoming “discouraged”.  I believe I figured out on Sunday from our speaker, Micca Campbell when she told a story regarding her son – that I was like her son when he was struggling through school.   I had arrived being an “Over Expector” of what was to happen!

Though the nine hour drive home and processing the info over the last two weeks has been my “finally getting it” time, I’m still filling in blanks!  Gosh, is it because I’m getting too old to learn?  Nah.  Is it because I’m not cut out to write?  I don’t think that’s it.  I believe in all my heart that I learned so much, met so many wonderful other writers that my mind has been on such an overload and I’ve been experiencing an information hangover!

I truly am “Tickled Pink” with all the love that was shared there at the conference.  The meeting new, like-minded ladies, the laughter, the sharing.  Priceless.

I would love to say that I’m finally relaxing from the info processing.  I am to some degree.  I have been writing in my journal like crazy.  However—as if that weren’t enough crammed into my summer, guess where I’m going this weekend?  I’m going to see Beth Moore in Columbus, Ohio!  OH YEAH BABY!! Time for some more heart wrenching, side splitting laugher having, scripture digging…..information overloading weekend with my girlfriends!!   Whoa!  This ol’ girls’ brain isn’t going to hold a whole lot more for this summer!

But – you can bet I’m gonna be laughing.  And laughing A LOT!  I will be Tickled Pink by Saturday afternoon!  You can count on it!

….and that’s all I have to say about that!


Still Trying to Download All That’s Been Uploaded From She Speaks!

Since returning from my conference, She Speaks 2011, this past weekend I am having a hard time trying to decide what to share.  Where do I start?  I posted on Facebook during the long nine hour drive some of my thoughts as I was driving away from Charlotte, NC.  My first thought while leaving was that my head hurt so bad from wonderful overload! Some things weren’t so wonderful as I guess God and I needed to “discuss” some things!  (More on that down the page.)  We were asked, “What was your One Thing you came away with.”  Huh?  Just One Thing?  Do you not know me – I never have just “One Thing” to say!  But, I’m always up for a challenge or especially a dare – so I began to ponder……

My best One Thing from this weekend for me was…”God has given each and every one of us a Gift.  They will all be different.  But, this gifting is given not to just hold onto it and never use it.  Quite the opposite.  Whatever gift you are given, He is expecting you to use it for HIM.”  If you have the gift of teaching, you need to be teaching; gift of speaking, you need to be speaking; encouraging, someone needs encouraged today; writing, get that paper/computer out and get to writing.  There are so many more, this is just a small sample of gifts. After a strange but cool event at church back on June 19th, I felt this was the affirmation I came searching for.

I did not come up with this on Friday evening.  It took this hard-headed, stubborn girl until the drive home when I began to sort out and think through the many snippets of wisdom I’d gained through the weekend. Ok, I might be quick-witted or quick on the ornery comment – but quick on getting what I’m supposed to be doing when I grow up – not so quick!  These snippets were sprinkled throughout my sessions, among the table chatter at meals, sitting up late chattin’ it up with my new friends and even standing in the bathroom line.  It was all over and some things were loud enough for me to get and others weren’t so loud and I only figured them out once I went through the mental replay over a long drive.

However, though I felt I received an affirmation from God that I need to be writing, it didn’t stay with me long.  Throughout the weekend, a feeling came and went.  An overwhelming feeling continued to keep returning to my head.  “What in the world am I doing here?”  Oh satan was messing with me and my mind big time.  At one point during a general session, I was so distraught I had to get up and leave.  Those of you who know me will know that this is not my style.  I do not like to get up and leave during an event.  Two reason mainly–don’t want to miss a thing and don’t want everyone wondering why I couldn’t “hold it” until the session is done!  But at this point, it was either get up now and leave the room or I was going to start bawling my eyes out.  Now I’m a stubborn girl so I thought I’m going to fight this.  I WILL NOT CRY. (Ha – I’m always tearing up anyway.)  This time I was going to fight through it.  As I was having a mental dialog with God – he had other plans. He decided that we needed to have this out and I needed to go to the bathroom to “discuss” this with Him.  So he filled my bladder so full of good ‘ol sweet iced tea that I had no choice but to get up and walk in front of people to meet him in the little girls’ room.  So I went.
I almost made it to a stall before the tears started to stream down my face.  I sat there and thought, “Lord, what on earth am I doing here?  I’m not supposed to be here.  I’m feeling more and more confused.  I’m seeing everyone having mountaintop experiences here and definite guidance from you and here I sit – more confused then when I left Ohio on Thursday morning.  WHAT IS IT?  WHY AM I HERE?”  I sat there for quite a while.  Waiting.  Becoming more frustrated I called my hubby (who was along with me) and I simply said, “I think we need to go home now.”  There was a long pause, then one question, “Where is your faith?”  I said the same thing anyone else would say when not getting what you WANTED (or thought you wanted).  “Thanks – bye.”  And I cried.
However – because I always try to find something to laugh or get a giggle out of  – what happened next got me to giggling and I was able to pull myself together and return to my session.  After you read it, please tell me you have done this, too!  Seriously!
I’m sitting in the stall sobbing my poor little whimpy heart out.  Ya know how you have to wave your hand under the soap, then soap comes out.  Sometimes.  You then have to wave your hand under the water, and water comes out.  Sometimes.  Then you gotta walk over to the paper towels and wave, and a paper towel comes out.  Sometimes.  The best are the new air dryers.  Oh my word, please do not put your little child under there, those machines can blow your child across the bathroom plastering them up against the wall.  They won’t even know what hit them.  Sorry, I have left the track (yeah, no surprise…) Back to the little hissy fit in the stall.  (Kinda sounds like a country song). Ok, Ok – I’ll get on with it.  I’m sitting there realizing I had better get back to the session that I’ve paid to be at and missing.  I got frustrated because the dang toilet paper hasn’t released any toilet paper yet and then it dawned on me.  I have been sitting there whining like a baby waving my hand under the toilet paper waiting for it to release a square or two!  Yes, I then lost it into laughter.  ThankyaJesus for the gift of the giggle!  I was gone!  Mercy, I couldn’t stop myself from giggling.
Just because things get rough, we get frustrated when things don’t go our way, or we get angry when we don’t get answers to life’s questions we expect answers to NOW, don’t let that be your every thought.  You have to know that there is a God who is in control of all things.  If we learn to trust that He knows what we need, when we need it not when we want it, things will go much better.
And you may find yourself crying your eyes out and waving your hand under a toilet paper holder waiting for a piece or two of toilet paper.
And God will deliver a sweet giggle for you in that moment!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!


Yes friends, you will get a tri-fecta from me today!  Why three?  I love the number 3!  I was born on a day with the number three attached to it!  Growing up, there was three in my family.  I dated and married a guy with three in his family.  There is now three in our family.  So there!  That’s some of the reasons I like the number 3!

Yet, part of the reason you are getting three posts today is that I am getting ready for the Women’s Writing/Speaking/Leading Conference that is quickly approaching.  It will be here in less than seven days now – woohoo!  So, I am trying to get everything done that I needed to get done before high-tailing it for North Carolina!  I had a couple books I received to review that I just finished so I wanted those done before I go.  From all the chatting I’m getting from our Attendees Facebook page of the Conference – my head is going to be swimming with tons of great stuff when I return.  And I also hear a little bit of overload!  Yeah, baby…bring it on!  Best if I do what I need to do before I go than trust I will remember when I get back.  I do have a great memory…..but, uh – let’s not test it!

I am really getting excited to go.  Through our Facebook Attendee’s Page, I have met so many wonderful ladies sharing the same passion.  It so feels like we have all been friends for years and are just getting together for a reunion!  It’s that good!

Don’t you worry if I’ll be coming back and sharing some funny happenings – you can count on that!  There is always something that goes awry that just cracks me up!  Oh, and the best part, (hehehe) I’m taking my most favorite subject for cracking up along with me!  Yes, the poor guy who ends up in more posts than he thought he would – my cute hubby!  Oh yeah!  I’ll be keeping a mini-notebook handy like Clark Kent looking for a scoop!  There is probably going to be a time when he will see a HOT DOUGHNUT sign, insist on ordering from the drive-thru trash can or, heaven forbid, see a Seeeeaaaffffooooooddd Restaurant sign and nearly kill us—-again!  Oh wait, I’ve not shared that story with all of you yet.  See – you already have something to look forward to when I return!

As I’m getting set to go, we have been getting instructions along the way that are making it real!  Then I start to get the anxiety thing rolling and YIKES!  Like one thing I’m a little concerned about already.  They’ve been saying that it’s 90+ degrees in North Carolina already – but the hotel is super cold.  So, whaddya think about the outfit I’ve packed for all day Saturday to be on the safe side:  I have a new Skort (wanna be stylin’), a pretty pink blouse (of course it’s pink–duh!), tube socks with coordinating stripe (to keep my toes warm because of my stylin’ sandals), my new pink sandals (what other color), a cute pink sweater (yes!), my pink winter parka (in case I’m under a vent), my gloves (no mitten-can’t write with those) and  my babushka in pink paisley (hot pink–but of course!).  Getting the picture?  Do you think I have the bases covered?  You know – they are saying dress in layers, so I think I’ve packed well.

In all seriousness (yes, I can be serious if I HAVE to!), I look forward to learning more about this craft of writing next week.  If you think of me, would you kindly say a prayer for me that I would stay open to what God has in store for me, my writing and my future and not mess things up by getting into His way?  I would greatly appreciate it.  I am going with an open mind and an open heart (and a pretty cool outfit if I do say so myself) to be willing to go as God will lead me.

Stay tuned…’cause some funny stuff is coming soon!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!
