Author: Tammy

I’d like you to meet my friend…

Greetings Bloggy friends! I’m so excited to share something new with you here on my blog. At my Writer/Speaker conference this summer, I met some amazing women who have the same passion as I do with words. Since then, I have been following many of the blogs and watching for their books to be published. I have enjoyed them so much, I wanted to share them with all of you! See–only children do share…sometimes! Over the next couple of months I will share them with you and also share the information as to where you can find them typing away and sharing their hearts with the blog world!

First up, is my friend, Michele Montgomery. If you like a suspenseful read – then Michele’s got it for you. SHE KILLS ME! I will be reading along and then she has the nerve to say, “come back for the end of this.” Ah!!! I often have to write to her and tell her she’s got me hanging again…hurry up and write it so I can find out what’s happening! Obviously, I’m not good at waiting!! Letting out a secret there! So for today, please read Michele’s post below and enjoy. Then make sure you go find her other postings over here!  Thanks for stopping by, Michele.

Lizards Are Icky!

The bright blue sky and warm summer sun contributed to my carefree mood. Smiling to myself, I happily grabbed my keys, purse and iphone and headed out for a morning free of little ones dangling off of each hip. Mentally cataloguing my list of errands, I offered a quick prayer of thanks for the rare and long overdue opportunity for some much needed time alone.

Stepping casually over the threshold, I glimpsed a solitary lizard resting on the doorstep. The unexpected visitor caused me to tumble out in a last second attempt to avoid it. Luckily, the lizard did not attack me as I envisioned. Thanks to my quick and completely ungraceful moments, I cleared the doorway without having to step anywhere near the offensive reptile.

Climbing into my car, I hesitated. Images of my adventurous 2 year old happily examining the lizard and hugging me warmly played vividly across my mind. With a deep sigh, I clinked off the engine and returned to the house.

The lizard continued to lazily sun himself on my step. So, I jumped over the threshold and quickly shut the door before starting my quest to find an appropriate container. Spying a mason jar, I grabbed a pair of scissors and poked several holes in the lid. Stepping back to admire my handiwork, I smiled. It was perfect! However, with a sudden frown I realized that the time had come to actually catch the lizard.

If it wasn’t clear up front, I don’t like lizards. In fact, I don’t like reptiles of any kind. However, for my precious toddler, I resigned myself to the task of catching the creepy and very icky lizard. Wrapping my courage securely around me, I slowly knelt down next to our visitor.

I placed the jar carefully in front of the lizard and urgently wished him inside. Choosing to be stubborn, the lizard refused to obey my commands and continued to rest lazily on the doorstep. Apparently, the difficult lizard needed some encouragement. Firmly griping the lid, I gave it a slight nudge.

Let’s pause here for a moment. I realize that all of God’s creatures are precious and special. It’s just that some of them are better appreciated from a distance. I really didn’t want to catch this lizard anymore than he wanted to live in my jar. Yet, for the love of my inquisitive 2 year old, I offered a quick prayer for protection and bravely faced my fear.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

With a deep breath and determination, I focused on my task and gave the offending reptile a soft push and…the lizard fell onto its back.

Wait. That wasn’t supposed to happen.

Leaning in for a closer look, I blinked in surprise at the realization that my fears had been woefully misplaced. Sitting back, I tried to process this rather unexpected turn of events. The laughter began bubbling up from deep inside my chest as I accepted the fact that a dead lizard had caused me so much fear and anxiety.

How often in life do we fear something only to discover later that there was nothing to be afraid of? How much time have we spent with anxious thoughts for events or situations that never even occur? Thinking back on all the time I’ve wasted fearing the unknown, I softly shake my head. That is not what God wants for us. It is not what He wants for me. He wants me to trust in Him and give my anxiety over to Him.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

I love that God can use a lizard to remind me of that fact.

  I am a Christian, wife, mother of six, fulltime employee, and an aspiring writer.  Our non-traditional, blended family keeps our lives interesting as we attempt to navigate and balance the ever changing worlds of parenting, relationships and working.  Join me as I try to keep my eyes on God as we journey north.  
You have circled this mountain long enough; now turn north.  Deuteronomy 2:3 (NASB)
Follow me on Twitter:  @JourneyNorth

Thanks for reading along today and giving Michele some bloglove!  I hope you enjoyed her writing today and will pop on over to her blog sometime soon.  You just never know – it may be your favorite blog to follow yet.  After mine, of course!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!


Fall Freeze Frame

If you live in Northeast Ohio – has this day been perfect or what?  This is my most favorite time of the year with all the color changes of the trees, the crispness in the evening air, the bright blue sky and big puffy clouds and good ‘ol Mr. Sun when he decides to come out and play.

So – I’d like to make a wish and have a dream come true.  Could we please freeze frame today and keep it until, oh, say…April?  Then in April start turning up the heat again.

The problem with the beautiful Ohio Fall is that it is usually followed by icky snow in the winter.  Well, not exactly “usually”, more like “always”!  I’m not a snow person.  I’m best sticking my toes in the sand at water’s edge and letting the sun beat down on me until I’m so hot I have to take a dip to cool off.  Then start the process over again.  Snow just makes me grumpy.  Snow does not “Tickle Me Pink” in the least.  Yet, even in those times when the sky opens and the white stuff falls and falls and falls some more, I can still find something to laugh about…

Like the time I let our little dog out to “do business” and I lost her in the snow drift….

Like the time I did a couple 360*’s during a storm on a major highway ending up the wrong direction and broke into laughter realizing the big semi had everyone blocked until I was done doing doughnuts…

Like the time we had a snow day, so we all took off for ice skating and I learned that being the end person on the crack the whip line is NOT the best spot and doesn’t make YOU go the fastest (thanks Chuck C.)…

Like the time we went tubing and rolled my cousin down the hill inside the earthmover intertube (see blogpost of January 13, 2011)…

Like the time my Mom tried to walk across to the neighbors house to have coffee while the snow and ice kept coming and she hit ice, went horizontal at about 4 foot in the air, then came down–hopped up and continued on…

Wait!  I’m thinking that Ohio Winter following Ohio Fall may not be so awful bad after all!

So, you know what, bring on the Fall!  I’ll deal with what ‘ol man Winter will bring when it gets here.  And get here it will.  For now, I’m going to love the beautiful colors of leaves that have changed, the blue skies and Mr. Sun as long as I can.  Oh yeah, and Fall brings apple season in Ohio and I’m thinking it’s time for my two Fall traditions–Apple Crisp and a batch of Caramelcorn, too!

What’s your favorite time of year?  I’d love for you to share it with all of us here.

…and that’s all I have to say about that!


Food Friday-Spaghetti and “Friends”!

Okay, this is sort of stretching Food Fridays a bit, but it is Friday and it does involve food.  And hey, it’s my blog!

Though I do feel the need to warn those with weak stomaches!  Trust me, it will be funny, but parts are just, well, gross.  Consider yourself warned.

While hubby, Larry, and I were dating back in the late 70’s, he suggested we go to visit my dad’s parents one day as he’d never been to their house.  It was not usually a good visit for me, so I just never instigated taking him there.  On the way over, I forgot to give any warning or instructions.  Having grown up with certain “understandings” it was just second nature for the family and it escaped my mind that I had a “newbie” with me.

My grandmother offering pie or some other store bought dessert as you arrive is a usual occurrence at their house, but this is the one important aspect of the visit I forgot to give the detailed instructions on what the proper response is to Larry before we get there.

We arrive and join the grandparents in the living room.  They greet us and then it happened.  My grandmother says, “Gary, would you like a piece of pie?”

Let me interrupt here.  Two things you need to know:  1) My grandmother never called anyone by their real name so that wasn’t a typo,  and 2) if you haven’t read any other blog posts of mine, you need to know that my hubby is a real sugar head.  He will never turn down a sweet or dessert that is offered.  Back to the visit.

After my grandmother asks Larry (or Gary!) if he would like pie, I quickly answer, “No thanks, we just had lunch and are still pretty full.”  Larry’s mouth is still open as he was about to accept this piece of pie and he looks over at me very puzzled.

My grandmother says, “Well,  it’s blueberry pie and Elmer (my grandfather, whose real name is John) just brought it home.”

At this point, Larry is trying to figure out why I won’t let him have pie.  He likes pie.  He likes blueberry pie, too.  And he would really like to have a piece of this blueberry pie!  I’m trying to give him “the look” but apparently we haven’t been dating long enough at this point to have mastered this between us!  He’s not getting it, so I work hard at changing the subject.

Eventually it worked and we continued on with another subject.  Yet by the look on Larry’s face, you could tell he was totally confused.

After a bit of visiting we leave.  As we get into the car Larry said, “How come you wouldn’t let me have a piece of pie?  I like pie and blueberry pie, too!”

I replied, “you don’t eat anything here unless you brought it.”

He said, “huh? Why?”

I said, “just because.  You don’t want to know.  Just don’t eat it, if you didn’t bring it, that’s all.”

He wouldn’t leave it alone, and after a few minutes of him prying and me trying to change the subject I finally gave in and explained it.  I said, “okay, enough already.  If you want to know, I’ll tell you.  It’s gross, but you asked for it.”

(Brace yourself folks – it ain’t pretty!)

A long time ago my grandmother had us come for supper.  She made spaghetti and my dad loved spaghetti.  We’d been eating and visiting a while.  My dad was on his second large helping and noticed my mom was just moving food around her plate and not eating.

He asked, “Jeanne, why aren’t you eating your spaghetti?”

She said, “I’m full, so I’m done.”

He said, “It doesn’t even look like you’ve had any.”

Back and forth a couple times they went.  My dad digging, my mom avoiding.  She finally said, “I’m not eating any because the spaghetti on my plate is moving.  There’s maggots in the spaghetti.  There, you satisfied now?”

My dad had a weak stomach so he jumped up and bolted for the bathroom to lose his spaghetti.

At the end of this explanation to Larry he said, “well, that was just one time, why would you not eat her food anymore?”

I said, “can’t leave it alone can you?  Okay, I’ll tell you another reason you don’t eat it if you don’t bring it.  This one is worse.  Maybe then you’ll get the point without more stories.”  I continue on with another food story.

We’d all had a family Thanksgiving at my grandparents home.  It was later than normal because the turkey was still frozen early that morning, so we had to wait until late afternoon for it to be cooked enough to eat.

The following week my aunt went to the dentist.  Our whole family used the same dentist in our little ‘burb of Akron, Ohio.  My aunt has a terrible phobia of germs, cross contamination, you name it.  It’s over the top.  I tell Larry this so he can understand the reaction my aunt had at the dentist.

The dentist was working on my aunt.  Her mouth is open and the dentist said to her, “I hear you had an eventful Thanksgiving at the in-laws.”  He continues, “I heard the turkey took longer than normal to cook, it just wouldn’t cook through.”  My aunt mumbled a “yes” through her propped open mouth.  The dentist continued.  “I heard about it on Monday when she was in here.  I needed to make her a new partial.  She said she was making the stuffing for Thanksgiving and was chopping the celery and onions in a blender when her partial fell in, but she couldn’t get the machine off in time and the partial got all ground up.  Apparently, you all ate the………

At this point my aunt projectiled all over the dentist, the wall and everywhere else.  She jumped from the chair and ran outside and drove home, with the little bib still clipped around her neck.

I said, “this, Larry, is why…’if you didn’t bring it, you don’t eat it’.  There’s more stories, need I go on?”

He quietly said, “enough said.”

Today, I’m thinking this may be one of the reasons I began to love to cook!  This way I would always know what was in my food.  I can tell you for a fact, I have never had “friends” in my spaghetti and I’ve never served my dental work in my stuffing!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!
