Author: Tammy

I’m Traveling Again! Well, Cyberly That Is!

Greetings!  I am traveling through Cyberspace again today!  I had the honor of being “interviewed” by a fellow She Speaks Graduate recently.  It was fun and made me think hard!  You can find my interview over at Lynnette’s place!  While you are there, please check out the rest of her blog.  I’m sure you will enjoy her writing.

Wait, wait…..

Before you go over there, I have a little something for you today that will make you giggle!  AND it will all be at my expense!  Usually, I’m sharing about the hubster’s antics (oh, but he’s just such good fodder!), however, today I’m telling on moi!

The other day, I was at the Apple Store having one of my “OnetoOne” Sessions.  I’ve done a few, know the drill to get in and set up, so I was setting up my laptop and getting ready for my session.  The store was packed as usual and there was a lot going on all around me.  A large man had sat down at the projects table just as I was setting up and well, let’s just say he was making a great effort at taking up a large amount of space while huffing and letting everyone know he was tired of waiting.

I was having a time trying to kindly set up my stuff for my scheduled session working around him.  I was trying to be courteous, though he was going to have no part of moving from this table with a sign on it stating it’s for Projects.  He kept looking over his shoulder and glaring at me as if “I” were the one in the way.  Oh, did I ever want to pull an only child on him!  BUT – that still small voice in my conscience kept reminding me–“It’s not ALL about you, dear child.”  Oh yeah?

I kept looking over at the Apple Trainer working with the other lady and then looking at him hoping she would politely, but with Apple Authority,  ask him to move over so that the person who had a scheduled class could set up and plug in her laptop.

No chance.  She just smiled back at me.

Frustrated, I kept thinking….I need attention here.  I need someone to help me, because I’m not sure I will be kind to this man, who by the way, has now decided to lean his chin on his hand and lean backwards onto me taking up yet more room.

So, I did want anyone wanting attention would do.  I got it!


With my little “issue” (or rather large) now leaning into me and my A.D.D. taking over with all of the commotion in the store, I not so gently reached passed the man and took the power cord out of the store laptop to hook into mine for the my hour long class.

One problem.

It wasn’t the power cord.

Oh yeah – I set off the store security that just about made me pee my pants!  In my A.D.D. moment, I pulled on the USB cord placed right next to the power cord.  Why did they have to put it in that hole, couldn’t they have used the one two away from the power cord hole?  Crazy idea!

So, I did want any intelligent person would do who set off a security alarm.  I pointed to the man’s back next to me!  HA!  That’ll teach you to sit with your back up against me!

Oh – and NOW the Apple Trainer four steps away from me gave me some attention!  And so did three other Apple Employees as they all crawled under the table to get the alarm to stop screaming and re-set it  for the next bozo!

So – kids, the moral of this little story.  If you’re starved for some attention, why not trot over to the Apple store and pull out one of the security USB cords that don’t say “security” on them!  You may get a little more attention than you wanted – but hey, attention is attention, right?

…and that’s all I have to say about that!

I’d love to hear about a crazy thing you’ve done that brought you some attention, even though that was not your intention!  Share a comment below – and let us share a laugh with you.

Remember, you can always reach me here in the Comment Section or by e-mail:

Have a “Tickled Pink” day!


Food Friday! Somethin’s Fishy!

It’s Friday so it’s time to share about Food!  I am really excited about today’s post as I get to showcase another friend.  I love bragging on my friends and sharing them with all of you.  However, this post isn’t written by my friend, it’s written about my friend.  I mentioned her a couple posts back when I shared with you my quick, rustic tart.

Who I’m speaking about is my Fav Cooking Teacher from my cooking school days, Carla Snyder, and her newest endeavor I was fortunate to be a part of–again!  (Grinning from ear to ear!) Yes, I was asked to be a recipe tester again, this time for her new book coming out in Spring 2013.  The title is very fitting for my situation and probably a few of you as well…”One for Two:  Fast and Fresh One Pan Meals for the Modern Couple” (written for Chronicle Books).  One would usually think – One Pan Meal – ah, that will be soups and stews.  Well, one would be wrong!  Carla already wrote that book with her business partner, Meredith Deeds with their joint effort of 300 Sensational Soups (great book by the way…well, of course I have it!)

The recipe I was given made me laugh.  I don’t eat much meat these days, but was intrigued by the sound of the recipe title – Miso Glazed Cod with Wilted Asian Red Cabbage Slaw.  Since the daughter has been wanting to try some fish, I thought this would be a great recipe trial for Carla as she had 3 willing participants–one who will eat “pret-near everthang” (as Grandma would say),  a somewhat picky eater who doesn’t like meat very well but wants to try fish lately, and me – yep, the one who you read a few posts back would shove the meat in the heat register by my chair at dinner growing up!

I shopped for all the fresh ingredients a couple days after receiving the recipe.  Made a date with the daughter to come for dinner.  On the “Recipe Test Day”, I got all my products mise-en-place (everything in place) and ready to go. This is what my butcher block looked like, ready to cook:

I followed the recipe, and in usual Carla style, it was easy to read.  As promised in the title of the new book, it was done in one pan.

This is what it looked like all plated up and ready to serve:

I have to say that this recipe got a trifecta of two thumbs up!  It was a hit among the three of us and all of us decided it should be in a regular rotation of meal plans!  Now that just never happens at our house!  Our daughter even said the glaze on the fish would be delicious on a chicken breast.

I’m telling you – if you haven’t checked out Carla’s website by now, I have just one question for you today.  Why not?  Also, if you’re looking for a new recipe or two for your fall repertoire, I suggest you give Carla and Meredith’s books a good looking at!  You can find their list of books on her site.  You might even see a familiar name in the “tester” section!  Jus’ sayin’!!!

Oh, and Miss Carla – I’ll be your “Kitchen Wench” again anytime you need me!  I loved working elbow to elbow with you back in the day at cooking school!

So, my bloggy friends – what are you cooking up this weekend for yourself or your family?  Please leave me a comment below.  I’d love to hear what’s cookin’ in your kitchen!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!

Tammy K.
PS:  I was not paid or given a book for the above post, nor was I asked to blog about my test.  It is just my honest little opinion!

Baby Steps

Today, I want to introduce you to another one of my She Speaks Graduate friends! I promised to share with you some of my favorite bloggers over the next couple months and here is another one!
I follow Teri’s blog,, and enjoy her thoughts and wisdom. I hope you enjoy her post today and don’t forget to stop over to her “place” soon!

 Baby Steps
Do you ever set your mind on something or set goals and just want so so desperately to be in a different place; to get there? feel differently? or desire to have accomplished something sooner?
In our “hurry up” society a lot of us find discontentment in being where we are, right now.
I can remember back several years ago, when I was going through a very difficult season in my life. I so desired to no-longer-feel the feelings that felt. I wanted my situation to be different than what it was.
I had a storm raging inside of me. I couldn’t find peace with where I was and I found myself continually trying to force situations to be how I thought they should be; I wanted to control the outcome.
As the days slowly passed by, despite all my anxious feelings, manipulation, and scheming thoughts — what happened, just happened!

Of course I’ve experienced other similar situations, unfortunately that was not the only one! Friendships, financial matters, career, and family situations are other areas where I’ve tried to hurry-up the process.

What I’ve found is, it just does not work…

…and it’s just not worth all the energy it takes trying to figure everything out.

My findings have brought me to this place; I’ve turned my focus on ME, my internal self.

I am finally shining the spot light on the changes that I need to make with-in myself and my attitudes. I am beginning to see more clearly and let go of all the things that I used to worry about, tried to control, and set out to manipulate.

I’m turning to and clinging to acceptance, patience, and understanding.

The results? Peace and contentment…it feels GREAT!

What others do, I cannot control.

What I do, I can decide.

I am taking baby steps — the slower I go, the more I see, the more I enjoy, the more I appreciate.

My prayer is that God will continue to bring me peace and contentment as I slowly walk on my journey — and that He would give me the eyes to not miss what He has in store for me and allow me to be patient and wait on His perfect timing.

IF we jump to where “we think we should be” we will miss the messages and learning experiences on the way. Those experiences mold us, shape us, challenge us, and take us to new places – we grow!

It simply takes baby steps to get there…

Are you desiring to be somewhere you are not? Do you feel peace and contentment? If not, consider joining me…baby steps.

Keeping it Personal,

Teri Johnson
Phone. 952.224.2110 Fax. 952.960.2435 Cell. 612.290.8863 ||
Facebook: Keeping it Personal and Teri Johnson
Twitter: @keepitpersonal
Skype: tljpeace2009