Author: Tammy

Huh, Am I Dreaming…Again?!

As I sit here on vacation feeling the ocean breeze blow across my face, I close my eyes and lean my head back over the top of my short little beach chair.  The heat of the Hawaiian sun warms my face so much that it nearly lulls me to sleep.  In the background, I can hear the waves lapping up at water’s edge and every once in a while they make it up to my feet.  The water is cool and crisp and feels ever so exhilarating and refreshing as it makes it’s way up and over my foot and up my ankle.  I feel as though I could sit here for ever as the sounds of the waves crashing up the shore then receding back into the ocean are rhythmic and lulling. Off in the distance, I can hear the yell of a surfer who celebrates as he or she caught a good ride.  Sitting here today, there are no worries or burdens to ponder.  There are no phones, no televisions, or voices.  I have found a beach spot where I’m somewhat secluded, just me, my little beach chair and…


Dang!  I’m dreaming again! I fell asleep then snapped my neck when my head fell forward and it woke me up! Wait, you weren’t getting jealous when you thought I was beachin’ it did you? Ha!  I only wish I were at the beach today away from the frigid Ohio cold.  But this does remind me of a funny story!  Wanna hear it?  Good, I’m gonna tell you!
The three of us in our little family were at the beach, again!  That’s a surprise for us, right?!  We had been at the beach for quite a while.  Hubby and daughter were taking a break from boogie boarding and we were all sitting in our cute little beach chairs.  Gosh, I love those little squatty chairs that you can place on the sand at water’s edge and enjoy the sun while the surf rolls over your feet and cools you off.
How about you?
As usual, I’m reading a book in my chair.  Hubby is just people watching.  Our daughter has decided to bring a book along on this day as well.  After a little while and the fact that the tide has rolled back out taking the water’s edge back with it about ten feet, the daughter decided she would move her chair closer to the water.  She asked if I was going to move, too.  I decided to stay put as I’m about to finish my book soon.  So, off she goes.
She decided to not go all the way out into the water, but rather to place her back to the ocean and place her chair just far enough out that every so often, the water would come up to her feet just a little.  One catch.  The tide was changing.  She didn’t know it.  Her parents didn’t tell her!  With both of us parents with dark sun glasses on, we kept “busy” doing what we were doing, but in actuality, we were watching the tide come in closer and closer.
Little by little it came closer.  She hadn’t noticed the fact that the water was coming a little bit more up her foot.  She was that into her book.  All of a sudden, my hubby quietly giggled and said, “uh oh! Ready for this?!”  Oh yeah!  A huge wave came rolling in, splashed up the back of the chair, up and over her and as it receded back out, it took a bunch of the sand along.  In fast, slow motion, back she fell in the little beach chair.  There she was, stuck in the chair on her back with her legs dangling up in the air and her hand also up in the air trying to save her book.  Which didn’t work!  It had already been soaked with the wave that crashed up and over and all around her!
To this day, when we see people at the beach sitting in their short little beach chairs it always brings a good laugh to both hubby and I.  As for the daughter, she just says, “yeah, yeah.  You two were mean parents letting me sit there all the while waiting for the big wave that could have drowned me.”
So I tell you dear friends, no matter how big the huge crashing waves of life may feel at times, you can just laugh your way through it or hang on to the bitterness the waves may cause.  As for me, I’ll be snickering my way through just about any wave that hits me.  
…and that’s all I have to say about that!


Have you ever had one of those days when you just felt like everyone was spitting or pooping on you?  I’m serious here!

I have had so many times of people spitting on my face or animals pooping on me that it has become a family joke.  On me of course…literally!  This started way back when.

A vivid memory I have, and an oh so grotesque one I have involved my Dad, Mom, Me and my Grandmother (my Dad’s Mom).  I must interject here that if you knew my Grandmother, you know where this is going, but since many of you didn’t know her an explanation is due.  You see, my Grandmother liked to spit.  Not the chew the tobacco then spit into a cup kinda lady.  The snort up a large lugey and spit it.  She had wastebaskets and newspapers spread all over the floor in her favorite seats in the house.  Get the picture.  Good, as it will help.  Back to the memory.  We were riding in my Dad’s convertible.  My Dad was driving and my Mom was behind him.  My Grandmother was in the front passenger seat and I was, well, you guessed it, right behind her in the back seat.  Yup – oh boy, what a treat!  As it was a beautiful, sunny day my Dad had the top down.  After a little while my Grandmother, God bless her, well, she decided it was time to…SPIT.  So she did.  Can you just imagine where that lugey went?  Precisely!  Directly onto my right cheek.  And that thang was as big as my cheek. Are you kidding me?

Another memory:  While walking through the Berlin Germany Zoo back in 1994, my Husband, Daughter and I were enjoying a few monkeys playing around.  We were intently watching them play tag when all of a sudden I felt something warm on my face.  Again!  It seems that a flock of birds had just had lunch and needed to relieve themselves.  Right onto my right cheek, down the front of my shirt and into the inside of my left shoe.  Are you kidding me?

I can’t even count on two hands the amount of people who have gotten so into their stories to me that they literally sprayed them onto my face.  Pretty much on the right cheek, in fact! Are you kidding me?

Then there was today.

As I was walking to my car from work, I was enjoying the 52 degree day here in Ohio.  It was rather windy, but when there is 52 degrees in the middle of January, I will take some wind!  Apparently, our fine feathered friends were out enjoying the fair weather as well.  And eating.  And, you guessed it, pooping!  On whom you might ask?  Well, give you one guess!  Oh, and guess where?  But of course, across my right cheek and the left lens of my glasses.  Are you kidding me? See, I have proof below…

Now, you might say how in the world is she going to spin encouragement into this. Have no fear, my friends.  For no matter how many times people will spit lugies or spray spit across your face or birds will drop bombs on you when you least expect it, it boils down to the same thing.  Whether it’s the spitting, pooping, or insults being flung from folks.  You just gotta do what I did today.  I just cracked up so hard that it “Tickled Me Pink.” And then I just turned the other cheek and yelled, “Ha, is that all you got birdie?”

…and that’s all I have to say about that.



Yes indeedy blog friends!  There is definitely a party going on right here.  Though I may not be exactly dancing on the ceiling, I am for sure…wait for it…TICKLED PINK! C’mon, you knew it was coming, didn’t you?

So what’s the party all about?  Can you make a guess?  Today is my anniversary.  Not my wedding anniversary – that was September when the ‘ol hubster and I celebrated 30 years of bliss…er, well married years!  No, the anniversary is of Tickled Pink Tammy being live and online to hang out with all of you!
Yessiree, one year ago today, I plunged into the world of the blogsphere.  It has been a fantastic year with you all and I have had so much fun learning.  Learning about this whole blog thingy, learning who I am as a writer and the special part has been learning about some of you.  Some of you comment on the blog and some of you have e-mailed me privately.  I appreciate both of them as I love talking to all of you.  Because, well, basically I just love to talk!  But the best thing for me is when YOU talk and I listen.  What you don’t realize is that I learn from you and it gives me more to write about!  TeeHeeHee!  Don’t worry, I will never, ever give names!  But I do not promise that I won’t share a funny story, after all, I’m always after a good laugh!  Hopefully you are to, as it sure makes the rough days a little less rough.  I have been known to bust out into a cackle in public places…alone!  Now that’s funny, because if you watch the faces of the people around you as you remember something that tickled you pink – it is so priceless.  Hmmm, maybe that should be something I add to the blog this year.  A section entitled…”Expressions of People Watching Me Crack Myself Up”.  You have to admit, that would be really good.  In fact, I’m laughing now, thinking of some of the faces of confused folks watching me this past year!  Yeah, I’m that silly!  Hey wait, since I always have my little PINK camera in my purse – wait – you don’t think I have a pink camera?  Looky here below…

And of course I carry it in a pink case from my daughter (yes, she contributes to the habit!) and it comes out of my PINK purse!   Would you expect anything else from me?

Oh my…I’m just laughing thinking that you must think I’ve lost my ever pinkin’ mind!

Anyway – I’m celebrating one year here at Tickled Pink Tammy and I want to express my gratitude to all of you who are my faithful followers.  Thank you.  Those of you who are new, welcome, I am very glad to have you along for the fun.

If you haven’t already subscribed to receive my blog posts to drop into your e-mail inbox, consider doing that.  I have quite a few that I do that for and love not missing any of the posts.  When I have forgotten to  subscribe to one of my favorites,  I find it is time consuming going back and trying to catch up on what I’ve missed! You don’t want to be outta the loop, ya know!

Don’t miss out on the laughter and encouragement for this thing we call life that I have in store for you in 2012.  I will be writing more encouraging and funny stories from my life as well as share some of the funny stories I’ve heard you tell.  I’m telling you, some of these may make you run for the little girl’s room you’ll be cracking up that bad!

So – sign up for the e-mail so you don’t miss a thing!  It’s going to be a hilarious twenty-twelve!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!
