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Here she is before being all taped up for painting. |
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Here she is taped and ready for her makeover! |
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And here she is all done up! |
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Here she is before being all taped up for painting. |
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Here she is taped and ready for her makeover! |
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And here she is all done up! |
Happy Monday, Blog friends!
I’ve been out and about lately on the wonderful world of Blogville. One of my writing pieces is up today.
This piece is written for all of my friends who are adoptive parents or, who like me–wanted more children, but could not have them. Though the one I do have is super special! Love that girl 🙂 !
My friend Kim de Blecourt writes over at Nourished Hearts, where she shares about adoption. Her heart to see every orphan in a home is very passionate. Her book, “Until We All Come Home” is out now. Check it out!
Come on over and see what I’ve been up to by clicking here!
I’m just so honored and TICKLED PINK to be her very first guest post! WooHoo!
Thanks, Kim!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!
Oh my goodness, I am just so Tickled Pink today my Blog Friends! I feel so blessed this evening by the goodness of God!
God knew we would need earthly relationships and I have got to tell you that I have my basket full of wonderful women friends. From the different activities I’ve been in through the years, high school friends, work friends, church friends, quilty girls, writer friends, etc. I feel blessed beyond measure. And since I was little, my Grandma Meade would tease me and tell others that “She knows no stranger”! Yep, I’m that kinda girl. If I’ve met you once, we will be friends for life. Well in my mind we will be!
Yet, this summer has been a weird and fun kind of summer with friends. I know you’ve heard me speak of the writing/speaking conference I went to last summer and how I have gotten to know so many women there as well as many, many more through cyber coffee time! This summer I did not go to She Speaks, which was last weekend, but rather have been able to follow along with the excitement through our private Facebook page. Not quite the same, but a little connection none the same. I have felt a little out of sorts not being able to meet back up with some of the ladies I met there and over the year on Facebook.
Yet – I’ve been having a little She Speaks reunions along the way of my own since May! I am so fortunate to have a fellow She Speaks friend not more than 30 minutes away AND I’m stoked to have her on my Peer Critique Group–(Hi, Kristy!). She and I were able to meet up for an event at her church in May. It was wonderful to see her again and fun to build that relationship even further.
Then the post I wrote about a couple weeks ago – you know the one, the one where I nearly lost my life! Kimberly was also another She Speaks writer friend that I have gotten to know better over the year. She also guest posted last fall here on Tickled Pink Tammy! That would make She Speaks reunion number 2.
Then there was today! My writer friend, Krista, whom I met at She Speaks last year, was in my neck of the woods. We had the joy of sitting in the huge, beautiful atrium of the hotel each morning after breakfast waiting for our sessions to begin. We talked and laughed with some of the other ladies and we had lots and lots of fun. I saw on Facebook where she posted a photo of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and I quickly said—“Hey – you in Cleveland? You’re 40 minutes away from me!!” Truth told – she was staying even closer than that. Today, we met up and talked and talked while her kiddos played in our cool water fountain at the Riverfront here in Cuyahoga Falls! She Speaks reunion number 3!
I ask you, what are your thoughts on relationships? Do you have some old friends from groups or activities you were in that you love getting together with and talk and laugh until your tummies hurt? Do you have some new relationships that are bringing your heart warm and fuzzy feelings? Please leave me a comment below, I’d love to hear about your friends and the joy they bring to you!
As for me – I’m feeling “Blessed Beyond Belief” this summer!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!