Author: Tammy

Check Out My Chocolate Covered Strawberry Room!

Come on in and check out my chocolate covered strawberry room!  Why do I call it that? Well, I painted it PINK, of course, and painted all my accents brown–hence chocolate covered strawberry!  Since the two new desks were dark brown, and my entire house is oak, I took the old pieces of furniture in the basement and spray painted them brown.  I got a brown king comforter and covered the love seat that sits in the room by the window (aka – Toto, the dog’s, perch!)
Of course there are lots and lots of pink things sprinkled all around the room including that Funky Fuchsia Typewriter!  When I look at that it really does make me giggle!  Who’da thunk I would have a Pink typewriter, right?!  Just too funny!
Room from the doorway

Computer Desk
The Funky Fuchia Typewriter!!!

Isn’t this WAY COOL?!  This was my birthday present
from my sweet daughter!  She made it for me!
What I look at to the right of my computer as I write!

There you have it!  You have taken the tour of my new digs that I teased you about a few weeks ago when I showed the photos of my Funky Fuchsia Typewriter!  I hope you had fun popping in.  I’ll be spending more time in here now that things are finally done.  Sometimes, it’s all about the atmosphere of where you are doing your work.  Whether it’s writing, quilting, scrapbooking or whatever your talent, when you set up your own little corner or an entire room,  it just makes it that much better to want to be there to work!  Some of you shared before where you work – but I’d love to hear more.  I love the magazines that show lady’s studios and where they create.  Tell me about yours!

For me, I’m just “Tickled Pink” that I have my chocolate covered strawberry room to hang out in and get back to business.  It’s been way too long, and it’s high time I get back in gear and get to work!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!


WooHoo It’s The First Day Of School!

Today marks the first day of school for many of the students in our area that haven’t already begun.  Oddly, this is the very first fall semester our one and only child will not be sitting in a classroom, well at least on the opposite side of the teacher’s desk that is, since fall of 1991!   Professor Kristen sits on the other side of the desk now! Yet, we have been doing something this day since 1994 that I’d love for you to check out over at City Chick in the Country!

Today, I’m out visiting in the blog world and I would love for you to come along for the visit.  While you are there, check out my friend Donna’s site…it’s pretty cool!

As a follow-up to the post…go read it first and come back or you won’t get this…check out this Facebook post from last night that our daughter wrote:

     (Daughter’s Facebook Post)            

  • Tomorrow is the first (fall) first day of school that I am not “in” school.

    Still got my first day of school ice cream tradition – thanks mom and dad. Along with dinner, a Toto visit, and my dishes done – thanks Tammy Karasek. 🙂

    (Yes, all dressed up beautiful and still silly wittle Kwisten!)
    Gosh, I sure love that kid!  I know, I know – young lady is more appropriate since she is 26, but she’ll ALWAYS be my little girl!  (Plus she’s not very tall anyway!!)

    So, come on over to Donna’s little corner of blogland if you haven’t already and see what this ice cream tradition is all about!
    Come on and comment here…what’s your favorite “Back to School” tradition with your kiddos?  I’m waiting to hear!
    …and that’s all I have to say about that!

Are You Social Media’d Up?

Working on some writing today and going back and forth with the different options out there now with our social media and a thought came to me!  If you’re in or near my age range, could you just imagine having a conversation with your grandparents about all this social media “stuff”?
I know my sweet Grandma Meade that I talk about often would probably just smile a great big smile, let out a little “humpf” and say something like, “what’s all this nonsense yur talkin’ ’bout’.  Social stuff on a thingy that just looks like a tv with a typewriter in it.  Why, back in my day when I was a youngin’, ifin’ you wanted to talk to somebody, why you’d jes’ pick up the earpiece, crank the handle an’ wait fer yur friend to pick up. Course, usually two or three times throughout the conversation I’d haf ta say…get off Nelly, I’m not callin’ on you – I’m a talkin’ to Jane.”
Yet, I can still imagine telling her something like this just to see her reaction (yeah, I’m ornery!):
    Well, yes, Grandma, I am now Facebooked.  No, it didn’t hurt, I didn’t actually get a book in the face.  I’ve also been tweeted and have tweeted…NO it’s not watchur thinkin’-don’t go there! I’m all linked in, but for what I’m not totally sure yet, but I’m linked in nonetheless!  I also have Klout – whoohoo for me!  I’m also proud to tell you I have lots of pinterests, what?  No – it’s not the interests of pins.  Oh and I’m all about the hoot suite…no, it’s not the funny room at the hotel. Ahhhh! Wait, Grandma, there is more.  I’m short stacked, too.  I’m blogged down–but it’s a good thing.  I’ve also been  in a word press…no, no – not a wine press.  Oh…forget it.
I’m just too social media pooped out to explain it all.  Sigh…
I’m curious today, what are all of you “hooked in” for social media purposes?  What are the different things you couldn’t live without now that you bit the bullet and signed in/up?  What could you live without?  Please leave a comment below and share with us what your thoughts are on Social Media! Disclaimer:  I’m not actually all hooked into all of those I wrote about above…at least not yet!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!