Author: Tammy
On The First Day Of Christmas…
Doing It Again!
Yes, I am doing it again! I am out traveling in the world wide web! If you have clicked over from, welcome over to Tickled Pink Tammy! Over here I try to live, well, Tickled Pink! I try to find some encouragement and most definitely humor every day in this big bad thing we all call life. I am glad you clicked over!
Back at the end of October, I traveled to Harrisburg, PA for a Bloggers Conference. I have not sat down and spilled onto cyber paper all of my thoughts and experiences just yet as I have been busy every day since November 1. No really…I have been posting over on Facebook what I have been up to. I have been participating in a national writing program, that I found out about the very last week of November last year. I decided to stay connected so I could maybe try it for November 2012. And I did!
It is call NaNoWriMo. Cute ring to it, eh? It stands for National Novel Writing Month. The purpose is to write everyday from November 1 to November 30 with the goal of reaching 50,000 words. Of course, if I could “talk” that goal, I would have most definitely been done by midnight. Midnight of November 1st that it!
But alas, we were to type or write and enter in our word counts each day. Just so you know, if your curiosity is killing you…I hit 50, 027 words last night at 11:43 PM! I got them entered before midnight and it quickly popped up a page that said: