Author: Tammy

I Really Do Have A Serious Side, Really!

I’m out and about visiting in Blog Land again! Today, I’ve been asked by my friend Stephanie to share a bit about my struggle with Postpartum Depression. Cough-cough…yeah, yeah – I know it wasn’t just last year…or the year before that! But, I went through a really rotten Postpartum time – and I made it!

So, if I can encourage someone else, I will give everything I’ve got to do that. For the longest time right after our child was born, I didn’t have anyone to go to and that just made it that much harder. Yet I want everyone to know that you do need to find someone who can help or that understands. You’re worth it!

Come on over and check out Stephanie’s Blog–Girl of Grace! And while you’re at it, read a short excerpt of my Postpartum time.

Looking back at that time in my life, I can actually find a lot to be “Tickled Pink” about. But boy, when I was going through it – it sure didn’t feel “Tickled Pink”!

My question to all of you today…what story about when you first had your children (by birth or adoption) that makes you “Tickled Pink” about now,  but at the time was miserable?

C’mon share, here! Let’s all laugh about it together!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!


What’s With Elephants?

            Recently, I have pondered the use in a couple different sayings or clichés regarding elephants. Thinking on them I began to get all “Tickled Pink” and some of my own thoughts around these well-known sayings began to surface. For instance:
            1. “How do you eat an elephant?”
                                    “One bite at a time!”
            Really? Seriously now, who came up with that one? Like who would be eating an elephant? I’m fully aware that the thought was that an elephant is so huge; many would be puzzled as to where to start. I don’t know about you, but I certainly would not be thinking about where to start – my thought would be more in tune with “what the heck do you want me to eat an elephant for?” And never mind the one bite at a time prospect, I am not fond of meat, so that one bite would either a) take me an hour or more to chew and TRY to swallow or b) be spat out within milliseconds of touching my lips. And that’s to say that it got that far!
            Then the second elephant saying that has me pondering with quite the “Tickled Pink” kind of giggling is:
            2. “And let’s talk about the elephant in the room.”
            Honestly, my first thought when I hear people say this is to shout – “Oh my goodness, how did someone get an elephant in this room?” Or – “who you calling an elephant – how rude!”
            Before you think I have hatred toward elephants and start sending me “Save the Tusks” literature, that’s not what I’m saying! I’m just trying to figure out what do elephants have to do with the situations people are trying to discuss? No wonder people say that the English language is the hardest to learn!
            How about we just say what we mean:
                        1. “How do you handle a difficult situation?”
                                    “One step at a time!”
                        2. “Yo, am I the only one that sees this? Why are the rest of
                                    you ignoring the obvious here?
            Which saying or cliché is one that always makes you stop to ponder? Share it in the comment section so we can all have a giggle or two and make today a “Tickled Pink” kinda day!
            Oh, and no elephants were harmed in this post, nor were their feelings hurt! And please do not start sending me little elephant statues…I’m really okay without them!!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!

I Have A Winner To Announce!

Yes, I do! The person who will be receiving this fun little package below:

will be:


Kandee – if you will e-mail me at: with the address you would like your prize package sent to, I will get it off to you this week!
I was about to do the drawing with the first couple of names and I had a “gentle urging” to go and check my “awaiting moderation” section. I have not set up my account to do that, but it seems that Blogger has decided that every now and then I need to be doing that—so they do it!
I am glad I did, because there were about six of you sitting in there. So – I am sorry about that. And I truly hadn’t done the drawing yet. 
Now that’s some crazy stuff right there!
Anyhoo…I’m getting excited – winter is almost all the way over! WooHoo!! That is something that makes me “Tickled Pink” for sure.
Kandee, I hope you’ll have some fun with your prizes. Maybe you have some special someone(s) who would love to share those Blueberry Muffins with you!
Thanks for stopping in and commenting for the drawing. Love reading your thoughts – keep ’em coming!
Until soon…
and that’s all I have to say about that!