Author: Tammy

You’re A Hero If You Don’t Steal It!

You read that correctly!

Last week on our local news, a story was shared that has made it across the country. I’m didn’t even pay attention to where it actually happened as I got so “Tickled Pink” by the newscaster’s response.

It was even on the Today show prior to being on our local news.

Maybe you heard about it. I’ll give a brief synopsis of the event:

A couple of young football players went to a store to buy something. Upon arriving, they pause at the door to apparently see if it has closed, but realize the door was still unlocked. They open the door and look in. Though they see nobody in the store, the door was unlocked and the lights were on so they entered. Then they proceeded to pick out the stuff they came for and approached the counter. In full view of the camera, they show what they picked out and laid the money on the counter. Making sure the camera records that they were being honest and paying for their items. 

As the local reporter here in Northeast Ohio was reporting the event, the other newscaster is totally dumbfounded by the whole chain of events. As the lady finishes the report, you see the camera pan across the whole desk and the male reporter sitting there with his mouth open. The lady looks at him oddly and begins to giggle. When he could hold it no longer, he replied…

“So now, if you go into a store that is left unlocked after closing, help yourself to what you want, leave the money on the counter to pay for what you’re taking – you’re a HERO? “

They proceed on with the rest of the news and sports for the show. At the end of the newscast, they have that last few moments where they sometimes laugh between each other about something that was shared during the show. You guessed it, he went back to it.

“Let me get this straight.  So now, you’re a HERO if you actually PAY for something which is what you’re supposed to do?”

This has made me “Tickled Pink” laughing at the newscaster clear into this week! Seriously though, he does have a point. These four football players were even interviewed to brag about their Hero-ness. I have to agree with the newsman as to why these kids are given Hero status for paying for something they should be paying for. Like now, if you don’t steal it and decide to pay for something that you take from a store, you’re a HERO!!! WooHoo!

Check it out:

So whaddya think? Should we start a new revolution? Should we all remind everyone we meet that we are Hero’s because we pay for our groceries, etc. when we go to the store?

…and that’s all I have to say about that!


Too funny! Comments – you know I love ’em, add them below!

Life’s Embarrassing Moments!

MmmmHmmm, doesn’t life have a way of delivering some most embarrassing moments to each of us!

As I’m prone to do, I was remembering an event that sent me into laughter.  The memory just made me so “Tickled Pink” with giggles, I could hardly contain myself. I thought I would share it with you and give you the opportunity to be come “Tickled Pink” as well! I mean, really, why should I keep it to myself. And the funny part – I’m not tattling on my hubby this time! This one is a hilarious (but embarrassing) moment of my own!
Back in 1989, I was a Longaberger Basket Consultant. Our group had headed off to Columbus, Ohio for our annual, national convention. Since we all made our own reservations, we were split into two of the hotels. My good friend and I were across the street from the convention center. My friend’s mom came along for all the basket shopping and fun. Now, you have to know a little back story on this friend’s mom. She was in her late 60’s, a little portly and probably only 5’1″.  (we were in our late 20’s, early 30’s). She was our young married’s Sunday School teacher and was like everybody’s mom. Everyone loved and respected Betty. You didn’t miss church without getting a what-for the next Sunday! But we all adored her. 
On one of our days there, we had gathered with our group of fifteen for lunch at one of the Hyatt’s restaurants. I chose a salad with a lot of ingredients I had never had because I love me a great salad, especially something different. I did notice that it had a lot of dressing and something was also in my salad I had never had yet–pine nuts. 
We had finished eating and were chatting about what we had bought in the vendor mall. And it hit me. Bad. I knew I had to get to a restroom and fast. Some of the girls in our group had already gone out to freshen up and get ready for the afternoon sessions. I stood up and said, I gotta go, I’ll meet you in the usual place and gathered up my stuff. Betty said she had to go really bad to and would come with me. 
Not to be mean – but I HAD to go. My legs were longer and I was trying to be kind and walk slower, but I needed to get there. As we approached the bathroom, of course there was a line. I mean c’mon, over 1,000 women and just after lunch! What in the world was I thinking. I turned to Betty and said, “Oh. My. Gosh. I cannot wait, I’m gonna be sick.” At that moment, a couple of the girls from our group were exiting the bathroom and saw us. One of them said I looked like I was going to be sick, was I okay. I said, “NO!” After a short conversation and I said I was heading across the street to my room, she handed me her key and said – no way, just go upstairs to our room, you might not make it. I start to go and Betty said she’s coming too. WHAT???
We head up the elevator. I’m doing what we lovingly call The Potty Dance. I’m almost into a mild whine when we hit our floor. Of course, the elevator is loaded with women and we are in the back. But we made it out before it shuts. I look at the key and head to the room. At this point, I don’t care if it’s Ms. Betty – I’m outta here. I got to the door with the number that matches the key. I tried the door. Betty now joined me. 
It doesn’t work. 
WHAT?!? Are you kidding me?
I turn both ways and notice about five doors down is the housekeeper. A sweet, young, NEW housekeeper. I spew out my story (anybody every hear me talk when I’m excited? Yeah–that fast!). She feels compassion though she didn’t understand most of what I was rapidly firing at her and came to let us in our “friends” room. As I ran into the room, she said something about hoping I feel better as I notice that Betty had zipped past me and is now in the bathroom. Huh?
So, I pace the room. I cry a little. I notice that our friends have really done some shopping in the vendor mall for their basket accessories. I’m trying to think of ANYTHING but the issue at hand. I pace. I whine. I pace. I finally ask pitifully–“Uh, Betty, do you think you’ll be done soon? If not, I have to leave or I’ll for sure be going to our room to change.” Flush. YES!
She came out, I ran in. I don’t care what it smells like as she starts apologizing. I’ve been holding it so long now, that it has made me sicker and I grab for the wastebasket thinking it might be a dual problem. 
Then I hear the door open and giggling women come in. But that quickly changes. And I can’t hear everything that is going on. But I can’t join them yet. 
“Who are YOU?” I hear a lady say.
I hear Betty’s voice, but can’t make out all the words. Sick, friends, borrow key…
“Let me see the key. This is our room. We don’t know you. Is there somebody else here in the bathroom?” another asks. 
There is no way I can get up just yet, but I can tell it’s not pretty in the bathroom or out there either!
Now all of the ladies have moved into the room and I can’t really make out much, but I do hear Betty saying we didn’t touch your things. 
I’m finally able to come out and there is two of them standing right outside the door staring at me. Betty looked like a kid that got caught stealing the cookie from the jar. I came up with a profound statement, “Uh, I was really sick.”
They have no compassion. They want to know how we got in. My mind is racing about our little housekeeper friend. I don’t want to get her in trouble, but I can’t figure out how I’m going to avoid it. Betty is tongue tied. I want to make up some cockamamie story, but she’s my Sunday School teacher for crying out loud!
I try to smile and explain that our key didn’t work and one of the housekeepers, maybe from another floor, let us in and I show her the key. See, it says this number. One of the more crabby women has announced she’s going to the front desk and leaves. Uh oh. The other lady grabs the key from me and announces that the keys in the Hyatt don’t match so if you lose a key people can’t get into your room. 
Then Betty did it. 
She announced, “well the housekeeper a couple doors down let us in, so she must not know about that. It’s not our fault.”
I just kept apologizing and reached for Betty’s arm as I made my way to the door. These women were not happy and I wanted out of there! I practically ran to the elevator dragging Betty. Thankfully when the door opened the other lady wasn’t in it. 
We met up with all the other girls in our usual spot and they had saved us a space. Betty’s daughter looked at us and said we looked like we were up to something. We both stood there. Then looked at each other and broke out into hysterical laughter. 
As we told the story, laughing our way through it, one of the other ladies in our group got to laughing so hard she jumped up and ran to the bathroom. When she finally returned, the next session had started so the convention hall was really quiet. 
She was sitting beside me and leaned over and quietly whispered in my ear, “You may have almost poo’d your pants, but I just wet mine and had to through them away. Sure hope I don’t fall and give another show from our group today!”
And we proceeded to snicker one by one until our entire row was pretty much in tears keeping quiet while laughing until we were red in the face. 
I guess you could say our row became…”Tickled Pink”!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!

Summer Means Vacations!!

Oh how I love summer and all that it brings with it! I’m not a fan of the cold, yeah-yeah, I know – I live in a cold state, but when summer gets here – YEEHAW!!! Time to put away the jeans and sweatshirts, wash the winter coats and put in the closet to be left in there for a while and to go barefoot. Ha! Who am I kidding? I go barefoot pretty much the entire year. Sometimes there may be a pair of socks on my feet, but shoes…meh, not so much.
Another thing I love about summer is that we usually trek off on a vacation. I was thinking the other day about some of the wonderful vacations we have had throughout our years together, ‘ol hubby and I. Then the vacations got sweeter when we added a kiddo into the mix and enjoyed watching her experiencing new things with us. We have even done some vacations with friends and family. 
Most of those were truly fun times. Lots of laughter spent between the families or couples when we trotted off without children. Great memories and never enough photos of those side splitting adventures that nobody remembered to get photos of during the moment. Like the one I’ll share here – with a promise of laughter for you:
Back quite a few years ago, six of us went off to celebrate the graduation of our two young adults. We took our friends and went off to our favorite condo at Myrtle Beach. I need you to know that you really need to assess certain facts before traveling with friends/family. You know we all have our own idiosyncrasies, but you still need to be aware of them. Some can be overlooked and some may need to be addressed. Some may be night owls and others’ not – so you have to set ground rules of how loud the tv can be after 10pm…or who likes to cook and who doesn’t–or knows how to cook for that matter. ‘Nuf said.
So, here’s the true story of how the cooking issue came to pass. I know how to cook and I absolutely love to cook. We love to rent a condo so we can spend more time on the beach, then eat at the condo rather than stand in long lines at all the seafood restaurants in town. The other lady in the group hates to cook and claims she doesn’t know how to cook, but before leaving we all planned out our week of when and who would cook each day – and when the other family would go off and have fun at the seafood buffets. We were in agreement before leaving the Buckeye State. Everything was going well until that one night. 
The other lady was going to be cooking hot dogs for the evening meal. She was trying to talk the guys into tossing the idea and going out to a restaurant. I decided I wasn’t getting into the discussion, because I knew exactly what MY hubby would say and it wasn’t worth listening to the argument from the lady. I threw up my hands and laughed while I said, “I’m going to take a shower and get this suntan lotion and sand off – you all decide what we’re doing and I’ll go along with whatever you all decide.” And off I went to the shower.
All was well until I heard all kinds of yelling, “FIRE!” mumble, mumble, “FIRE!”
I’m in the shower wondering if they are playing. Are they serious? Who actually yelled-FIRE? Should I be getting out? I listen a second or two and I don’t here anything, so I continue on. 
“FIRE, SERIOUSLY, COME, FIRE, FIRE!” mumble, mumble…stomp, stomp, running stomp, running stomp.
Oh. Good. Grief.  There must really be a fire. GREAT! I’m buck naked and they are running out of the condo and nobody is telling me! What in the world. 
So, I turned off the shower. Stepped out onto the towel and started putting my clothes on over my wet body. 
Then I smell it. OH. MY. GOODNESS!!! We are on fire and I can’t get my clothes on over my wet body. OH SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!
I sort of get dressed, open the door to the bathroom then out of the bedroom and into the living room. I see that the other five have all gathered around the kitchen area and have opened all the windows. It smells a sickening smell throughout the condo. I get to them and ask, “What is going on? I heard somebody yell FIRE?
Nobody said anything. 
I said, “Anybody?”
Finally, the lady friend said, “Well, I lost my battle to go out for dinner and was coming in to turn on the stove to get the electric burners hot to put the water on to boil for the mac and cheese and the other pot for the hot dogs. I didn’t see that the stove had these things over the burners. I TOLD YOU I DON’T COOK, IT’S NOT MY FAULT!”
Ever see these things – called burner covers???

I stood there stunned for a moment not knowing what to say. I looked at her and said, “Seriously, it’s Wednesday – you haven’t seen those at all since we got here on Saturday?”

And her sweet hubby who rarely says anything mumbled under his breath–but loud enough to be heard…”Guess she figured if she burned up the stove we could go out for seafood.”

At which point all six of us busted out laughing.

The moral of this vacation story for all of you as you begin your vacations this summer is this:
If you are going to be on vacation with other people other than your normal household…make sure that the other cooks in the meal planning really do want to cook! It will save you a fee of $50 for burner covers that cost $1.00 at the Dollar Tree.

…and that’s all I have to say about that!
