Author: Tammy

The Weather Is Fickle!

Is it just me, or is anybody else having the most difficult time choosing what to wear each day during this fall season? I mean really. This is NOT making this girl very Tickled Pink at all! Honest to goodness, it seems that no matter what I decide to wear, it’s the wrong thing. Think about it, most of us have warm, consistent temperature homes. We have garages attached to our homes. So when you dress in the morning, go out the door and walk about ten steps to your car – how in the world are you supposed to know that it’s colder than it looks out the window! If you listen to the weather guy, 65 degrees sounded pretty warm during the 11 o’clock news last night. Yet somehow stores and restaurants never watch the news and set the thermostat as if it’s 25 degrees and snowing outside.

For instance, a couple weeks ago, we were having sort of an Indian Summer with temps in the 80’s. I loved it, a little extra summer and it was wonderful. Yet, when I went into any place of business,  it’s as if once September hits, the thermostats are automatically set for heat never to be changed again until May.

So you start to push up sleeves and you stand in line and fan yourself. You even start shaking the back of your shirt to make any kind of breeze that you can. C’mon man…when you are my age, your thermostat is already on heat most of the day and on occasion decides to crank up all on it’s own to the temperature of inferno. A girl can only take off so much in public! I mean seriously!

Apparently not all creatures are created alike as in male and female as they say! Take the other night when my hubby said, “When are we going to change to the flannel sheets? These sheets are chilly!”

I smiled and thought to myself, “Ha! Says who? You should lay on my side and feel how hot THOSE sheet are!”

It becomes a game during the night. Covers on. Twenty minutes later, covers off. An hour later, covers on. A little while later, covers off. Every. Stinking. Night!

So what on earth are you going to do? Well, I guess what I’m going to have to start doing is bringing several outfits in the car. Once I arrive at my destination, go in and check it out. Then if I need to make a wardrobe adjustment – I’m good to go! Can you just imagine? Sigh….

I guess I’ll just warn you now. If you’re out and about in the stores this Fall season and you see a woman in shorts, tank top and flip flops although it’s only 46 degrees outside – have no fear. It will just be me in my proper outfit for the store’s temperature!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!


That’s A Long Time!

Thinking of what this date means to me, makes me so very “Tickled Pink” today! It was a beautiful warm and sunny day 32 years ago on this day–September 12, 1981. The excitement was high and the year and a half of preparations were beginning to unfold for the day. Though the actual story began on a snowy, winter night back on Friday, January 13, 1978 – that initial meet up was now becoming a wedding day. Our wedding day.

Today we celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary, that man of mine and I. It has been 32 years of wedded bliss! Bliss? Hmmm, really?! Oh it has not been perfect, but we have stood the ground and honored our vows through this part of the ceremony which we both recited:

I Tammy,  take you Larry,  for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part.

We are here 32 years later and have had some bumps in the road along the way–major bumps, but still feel strongly about those vows said at the altar before God and our family and friends. There are times we would probably not wish to have gone through, but I am sure glad that I had Larry to go through them with. Would I do it all over again? YOU BET! Would I change some things that happened through the years, uh, maybe. But by marrying my best friend, it is hard to walk away from someone you love that much.

For fun and make you “Tickled Pink” with laughter, I thought I’d include some flashback to the 80’s photos!

August 1981 — so young….and small!
September 12, 1981 — We’re married!!
Look closer at my face–always “Tickled Pink”!!!
Always giggling!
OH MY! Role reversal!!
Recently (32 years later) with our wonderful daughter!
Well folks, I’m off to spend the day with my groom! Thanks for popping in today and hope you enjoyed the retro 80’s  photos!  We’re off to celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary! 
Man…32 years is a very long time!
…and that’s all I have to say about that.

You’re A Hero If You Don’t Steal It!

You read that correctly!

Last week on our local news, a story was shared that has made it across the country. I’m didn’t even pay attention to where it actually happened as I got so “Tickled Pink” by the newscaster’s response.

It was even on the Today show prior to being on our local news.

Maybe you heard about it. I’ll give a brief synopsis of the event:

A couple of young football players went to a store to buy something. Upon arriving, they pause at the door to apparently see if it has closed, but realize the door was still unlocked. They open the door and look in. Though they see nobody in the store, the door was unlocked and the lights were on so they entered. Then they proceeded to pick out the stuff they came for and approached the counter. In full view of the camera, they show what they picked out and laid the money on the counter. Making sure the camera records that they were being honest and paying for their items. 

As the local reporter here in Northeast Ohio was reporting the event, the other newscaster is totally dumbfounded by the whole chain of events. As the lady finishes the report, you see the camera pan across the whole desk and the male reporter sitting there with his mouth open. The lady looks at him oddly and begins to giggle. When he could hold it no longer, he replied…

“So now, if you go into a store that is left unlocked after closing, help yourself to what you want, leave the money on the counter to pay for what you’re taking – you’re a HERO? “

They proceed on with the rest of the news and sports for the show. At the end of the newscast, they have that last few moments where they sometimes laugh between each other about something that was shared during the show. You guessed it, he went back to it.

“Let me get this straight.  So now, you’re a HERO if you actually PAY for something which is what you’re supposed to do?”

This has made me “Tickled Pink” laughing at the newscaster clear into this week! Seriously though, he does have a point. These four football players were even interviewed to brag about their Hero-ness. I have to agree with the newsman as to why these kids are given Hero status for paying for something they should be paying for. Like now, if you don’t steal it and decide to pay for something that you take from a store, you’re a HERO!!! WooHoo!

Check it out:

So whaddya think? Should we start a new revolution? Should we all remind everyone we meet that we are Hero’s because we pay for our groceries, etc. when we go to the store?

…and that’s all I have to say about that!


Too funny! Comments – you know I love ’em, add them below!