Author: Tammy

Happy 3rd Birthday, Tickled Pink!

Yes indeedy, today this Tickled Pink Tammy blog turns three years old! WooHoooo!

I’m going to let you in on a secret…Tickled Pink Tammy is moving to a new “home” soon! I’ve been working on it, but it’s just not quite ready yet. Oh, the address is selected, but I’m still working on the decorating so you’ll just have to wait a bit to see it. Don’t worry, it won’t be much longer, just a few more details to do.

I will be posting soon what the new address is. I am hoping you will come on over and check it out when it’s all freshly painted and decorated, so to speak.

I have appreciated all the support and encouragement you all have given me here at this address. I truly do enjoy your conversations! I also hope that you will come over and subscribe to the new address and take part in some great fun! I will be keeping the Tickled Pink Tammy theme, but I will be adding more to what I’ve been doing here. It’s been on my mind to do it, and rather than adding another blog, I prayed long and hard and decided to blend them together. There will still be some truly hilarious Tickled Pink stories, but I’ll also be sharing my “deep” side…yeah – I really have one!

So stay tuned here in January for the announcement of the new address. I’d give it to you now, but what fun would that be to see it all plain and boring. That’s just not me!

Thanks for following along these past three years – looking forward to spending more with you over at the new address!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!



It is hard to believe that it is already the end of 2013, where did it go?

In this busy season, I wanted to pop in to send you holiday wishes while I begin a break with my family. I hope you all will be able to do the same…slow down, relish in the true message of Christmas and surround yourself with all the people you love. I will be doing that very thing…minus a couple who live far away (insert sad frown-face here!)

The upcoming year will see some changes for Tickled Pink Tammy! Exciting changes, too! No, I won’t be giving up being “tickled pink” – not hardly. That, my friends will never go away – I love to laugh way too much! I will have a new home with new decorating! I will be adding in another side to me that maybe not all of you know about. (But don’t be scared!!) I hope you’ll move over to the new home with me when we get it all built!

Until then, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your support this past year. You have been such an encouragement back to me with your funny stories, comment and very kind words. I wish I could hug each of you personally, but since that is not possible, please accept a cyber hug from me now! Go ahead, give yourself a hug…I’ll wait.

On a more serious note (yes, I have a serious side)…

My prayer for each and every one of you for 2014 is that though the day may seem to be full of not so happy circumstances, you find a reason to smile. And beyond smiling for yourself, you share a smile with someone else. We never know what may be happening in each others’ lives at any one moment, but we can know for sure, everyone can ALWAYS use a smile and a kind word.

Thank you for your encouragement.

Be blessed my “Tickled Pink” friends!

You’re the bestest!!


…and that’s all I have to say about that!


Truly Tickled Pink Day!

I have to tell you, I had the most “Tickled Pink” kind of day today! Not only did I get an opportunity to hang out and/or meet some of my fellow Ohio Blogger friends, but we got the royal treatment from BJ’s Wholesale Club. 
By invitation, we were treated to a holiday tour of the items they are already getting in for the holidays from food, to gifts and everywhere in between. Many of you probably have been there before, but it’s been a while since I have been there. One thing for sure, I was stoked to see how many more veggies they have added since I was there last. And organics, too!!  Woot! Woot!
They sure had a lot of great holiday ideas for your entertaining needs. They were very gracious to us with providing what they called a tasting. This, my friends, was not your ordinary tasting…they gave us lunch! I took a couple pictures before all of the treats came out, but you can see that the table was already filling up.
Then we each received a Swag Bag that was amazing! The picture of this bag does not give it justice…you could place a small child in it!

Inside of the bag were some of the items which are in stock at BJ’s now. Of course this first item being chocolate, my hubby (a dedicated chocoholic) has already had one of the little bears! He said it was good! I’ll take his word for it.

These tags are really cool. They are 3-D and handmade. There are 60 tags in the package and they are like gifts in and of themselves!

Oh, and there is more…
We also got this neat Cheese Board Serving Set which they had on display with our “tasting” with Brie and Jarlsberg Cheese on it. This would be a great hostess gift. You can write on the slate and the little slate signs for the cheese, too. It also comes with the four tools.

AND – we received a large gift card, a free 90 day membership and our place card with our names on them. They sell those in a set which you could use for your dinner table as name cards or set them by cheese or dips to identify the treats. They are porcelain and easy to clean off for the next gathering!

While on the tour through the store, I got some great ideas for the holidays. Whether you need to feed a few or a large crowd there is plenty to choose from. I love cooking for people, so being able to find so many choices for vegetables and fruits for my dishes was well worth my time for the tour that’s for sure.
I liked to send a big shout out to BJ’s Wholesale Club (in North Canton) for the wonderful Blogger Tour today. It was an amazing time.
One more thing…they made sure to tell us that their Black Friday deals will begin on Sunday of Thanksgiving week. They WILL NOT be open at all on Thanksgiving as they want their employees to spend as much quality time with their families as possible. They will open on Black Friday at 7am, but no need to stand in line at 3am or fight the crowds as they will be sharing their deals the whole week. 
Hooray for thinking of the employees and their families!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!