Happy first Wednesday of 2012! My prayer for you is that your 2012 is off to a wonderful start!
I wanted to share with you one of my favorite blogs I love to follow. Kelli, the writer of the blog, also happens to be a recent graduate with me from She Speaks this past July. She sent along this blog post to share with all of you today that I think you are going to like! I actually giggled out loud when I read it! I can so picture this happening, you’ll see! I hope you this enjoy this posting as well!
A Lesson for Life, Literally
I desired to be more like Christ and so I prayed for patience and humility. I got both of those in the form of a 7 pound, 5 ounce baby boy named Ryan on August 26, 2003.
God knew that patience and humility would not happen in a few situational lessons. He knew it would have to be a LIFE lesson. Literally. In other words, God would give me something that would keep these two virtues in front of me for the rest of my life.
Ryan was the gift.
We had our first child seven years into our marriage. My husband and I were both in graduate school and wanted to get those degrees before we plunged into parenthood. Our daughter, Bekah, was born and life changed. For the better. It was so sweet to watch life through fresh eyes. She was easy. And pleasant. I think that she was so easy and pleasant that other moms secretly envied me. They have since told me that they secretly prayed that my next child would be a boy and that this boy would rock my world.
My prayer for patience and humility and their prayer for my world to be rocked were both answered.
Ryan came into the world exercising his voice. That has continued. He is a talker. He is a laugher. He does everything with enthusiasm and volume. And lots of it. Gotta love it.
Like the time he was four and we were nearing the end of the caroling part of our Christmas Eve service. He yells out, “Let’s sing some more about Jesus!” Loud enough for the other 300 people to hear. Humility. Came.
And the time I had taken him to an outside consignment sale with me. He was playing with the toys for sale and I was about 10 feet from him looking through the clothes racks. And then I heard laughter. It seemed that the shopping crowd of 75 people were no longer shopping. They had gathered around something and were laughing. And then I heard someone say, “Look at that boy peeing on that little tree!” I began to laugh as well and then realized that the “little boy” was my Ryan and the tree was in the middle of the front yard with no leaves attached. Humility. Came.
And Patience? Yes, it is necessary. And God continues to work with me on this. And though I don’t always have it, I am always given the opportunity to develop it.
Ryan truly is a gift. He makes us laugh. He makes me smile. He keeps me alert.
This past year, at age 8, Ryan accepted Jesus as His Savior. And I am convinced that God is going to use Ryan’s volume, his energy, his voice, his enthusiastic spirit, and his love for life to bring others closer to Christ.
Just like He did with me.
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Unwrapping the Gifts of God