Yes, it is! It is Drawing Day, here at Tickled Pink Tammy. I only had two comments this week about re-gifting, so I’m thinking that most of you wouldn’t comment because 1) you can’t stand the whole re-gifting idea or 2) you don’t want to give a way your secret!
I put the two names into the bowl to draw a winner! And the winner is….
Well, the funny thing happened. Both of your names kept coming out of the bowl! Imagine that! I kept drawing and both names were there. So I’d do it again – and both names again. Oh, it could be that I put both of your names on the same slip of paper! Silly me!
So if Janice and Kimberly will e-mail me with which $10 Gift card you prefer (or if you like surprises, give me three choices!) and your address you would like it sent to, I’ll get to it promptly!
Congratulations, you two!
What’s happening with you? Are you all ready for Christmas? Can you imagine that it is just a week and a half away? Is it just me, or did it get here really fast this year. I mean, I remember picking up a few things throughout the year like I usually do, but then all of a sudden it seemed like I was running out of time to get done what I wanted to get done off my to get done list!
Therefore, today’s post is a tad bit shorter than my normal windy self as I’m heading off to get more Christmas things crossed off my list! And since I am sure all of you are super busy as well, I wanted a short but sweet note off to you all…
May you all have the opportunity to sit and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. May you not get all tied up with “to do’s” that you miss out on the wonder of the season.
Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you and may you have a wonderful holiday with all your most favorite and deeply loved people all around you. May your New Year be filled with health, happiness and just enough prosperity to keep the stress level at bay!
I also wanted to thank each and every one of you who have sent me e-mails, phoned me, subscribed to my blog, became a follower or left a comment here throughout this year. I am approaching my one year anniversary of this blog and am blessed beyond belief from the amount of support and encouragement I have received from all of you. I have set some big goals for the next year and I hope you’ll stick around to see what transpires! Again, thank you from the bottom of my warmed heart for your support and encouragement! You’re all the best!
I’ll be back soon with more funny stories to keep you smiling and some encouragement to keep your head above water!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!
You’re great, Tammy! You can send the card to Janice–doesn’t feel right winning on a tie. ha ha =) It has been such a blessing getting to know you this year. Oh, and for all you late Christmas shoppers, I’d heartily recommend checking out, where they sell items made by rescued trafficked women!!