New Writing Digs In The Works!

I decided back in the winter that I needed to make my writing space a happy place, a well…”Tickled Pink” kinda place.  A place that I’d love to sit in and pull the many thoughts that consistently swim through my head out of there and onto paper, er…onto the screen!  When we built our condo in 2005 (well, had it built-correction!) we only had plans on staying until 2007.  Upon the advice of our Real Estate Agent and of course HGTV, we painted most of our house what I call, “house for sale, beige”!  
I was tired of this boring, beige, no pictures on the wall (because the future owner doesn’t want to see your family on his/her possible new wall) space to try to write and create.  And – we have long passed 2005 and are still parked in this condo! I went on a tantrum off to the paint store by myself and came back with paint.  Poor hubby just looked and wondered what “I” planned on doing with that paint.  I promptly told him that “we” would be painting come spring.  
Of course I’m quite sure if you’ve been around this neck of the bloggy woods for very long, here in my little bloggy world, you can probably figure out what color I brought home.  Yep – orange!  HA!  No, 
your first guess of pink was spot on.
About a month or so ago, the walls were painted.  Some of the accessories have been painted brown to match my writing and computer desks, but not everything is just quite ready for photo sharing just yet.  But I do have something I want to show you.  I know you’re going to crack up, but you will for sure get a little more taste of what a goof I really am!
I got a brainy idea that I wanted a pink typewriter.  I know, I know–they don’t make pink typewriters.  But I can make one!  No, really – I did!  I was given this big ‘ol beat up heavy metal typewriter and figured it just needed some pizazz! Some PINK! Below is the old girl before getting a makeover:
Here she is before being all taped up for painting.
Here she is taped and ready for her makeover!
And here she is all done up!
Sure, she’s “Tickled Pink”, too!

Then hubby and I had a blast taking pictures with me sitting with my new PINK typewriter! 
My office is coming together pretty nicely.  When my last item gets finished (when I get my bottom downstairs to put it together!) I promise to take photos and share.  Then you’ll know some of the reason for my absence from the blog in spring.  I didn’t want to put it out there and have you all pressure me to finish!  Haha!  Hmmm, in hindsight – maybe that would have been a better idea!
So, tell me folks…where do you create?  Have you set up a space that is just for you and your craft?  Whether it is writing, painting, quilting, cooking – whatever your pleasure is, have you made it your space?  Have you made it a place that makes you smile when you sit down to do your craft?  I have come to believe that it is truly something that matters.  Where you work should make you want to hurry back and pour out your efforts on creating something only you can do.
We all need a space whether it is a corner in a room, a closet or even a whole room where we can let the creative juices flow and feel good sitting in our own little space!  
…and that’s all I have to say about that!
Don’t forget to leave your comments below, I’m dying to know where YOU create.  Hey – I’d love photos, too!

14 thoughts on “New Writing Digs In The Works!

  1. You tickle me pink Tammy!! Love the typewriter so much! I think it should be a focal point when we work on your blog in a few weeks!!!

    1. You’re funny, Kristy! I may have to take better photos of it, but I thought it could be a great thing for the banner. (Since you won’t let me use the chihuahua!) Can’t wait for you to work your magic on the revamping of these digs!

  2. AH!!!! I LOVE it. I am a red girl myself but that is so cool! I am going to keep my eyes opened for a vintage typewriter to copy your craft! AWESOME! You ask…
    “where do you create? Have you set up a space that is just for you and your craft?”
    Well, at the moment it is at the kitchen table. I have taken over and we have not been able to really use it for about a month now! Sad thing is…we have no other table to use! Our home is tiny and we have no dining room. truth is, during the summer months our family of 8 cannot FIT at our kitchen table so we sit around the living room and chat while we eat…or we watch the M*A*S*H series the hubby got for Christmas. it is our fav show and no matter how many times we see it, everyone laughs out loud. This is NOT ideal mind you, but we work with what we have. One day we will do a reno job and have a dining room. Until then, we sit about in the summer and regroup come fall when some are off to college :0). I DIGRESS….when my oldest chickie girl goes off to college, I take over her room. Things are rearranged to meet whatever need we have at the time. We are careful NOT to make so many changes she feels like a visitor on breaks. But, again…SMALL house…LOTS of people :0). We are like the shape shifters in alien movies :0).
    I cannot wait to get my space going in a few weeks. It is bittersweet. She leaves :0(…but I the fam gets the kitchen back :0)!
    Looking forward to seeing your pics!!
    And ditto…use one of those pics as your profile…or even turn it into a logo! PERFECT!!!

    1. Thanks, Donna! Yes – go hit the thrifts stores, garage sales, flea markets, etc. and score yourself an old typewriter! It doesn’t matter the shape since you’re going to paint it. As you can see, mine is missing the cover over the keys – but hey, it was just more space to paint PINK!

      Ohhh, I like the logo idea! My web genius is just above your post, and I’m looking forward to seeing what she can unveil! Can’t wait!

      I get the need for the space – but want the daughter to stay! It’s great when the chicks are all in the nest, but remember – they are wanting to spread those wings anyhow! Bye, bye birdie…Mama needs this room!

      Now, go find that typewriter to turn red!!!

  3. Love the picture and looking forward to seeing the rest of them. Just came by after I saw your profile on the Allume site. I’m going too! Will be nice to meet you.

    1. Thanks, Kathleen! I’m getting excited to meet many new writing friends as well. Since I bought my ticket in February, it’s seeming like it’s never going to get here! Let’s look for each other!

      Thanks for stopping by – hope to see you again!

    1. I knew I had to have a typewriter! Been on one since junior high back in…well – a long time ago!!! And you are so correct–a writer MUST have a typewriter even if it is a decoration in the office!

    1. Thanks! I’m going over to your spot as soon as I catch up here! Gotta see where you create!!! Yay! Hope to meet you at Allume in October! Gosh, will it ever get here?!

  4. Love that your typewriter is pink. I should have expected that you would choose pink, but I never considered that someone would repaint a typewriter. That is too cool for words. I definitely think it would be a great logo.

  5. Thanks frangrantroses! I’m so excited it actually turned out. It just may be a logo coming to a computer screen near you real soon!

    Thanks for stopping by!

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