Come on and let me take you on a Blog Tour!

Greetings Bloggity Friends!

Did you catch my play on words or should I say tunes in the title?  Did the title make you quickly recall the old song, “Come and let me take you on a Sea Cruise…OoEee, OoEee baby!” Oh come on and admit it, you thought of it and probably sang it, if only in your head.

I’m popping in today instead of the regular Wednesdays because I wanted to share with you where I’m hanging out today.  I’m over at my friend, Danielle’s blogsite.  I was fortunate to meet with Danielle this summer at my conference.  Those of us who came in a day early had a blast meeting up for dinner and gabbing thanks to Danielle’s diligence in organizing it.  She is a real sweetie!

Her site is part of her ministry that she has with young girls.  It was fun to speak to that age group again since I was a Youth Director of Junior/Senior High folks a few years back. I had a blast doing it and still have lots of fun and funny memories with them.  I had many opportunities to have heart to hearts with quite a few of them and I have to tell you, those were special times as well.

So, to see a different side of me than you are used to seeing here maybe, come on over where you can find me talking it up by clicking right here!  Then come back and let me know what you thought!

I don’t know about you, but I am absolutely loving this wonderful Springtime weather in Ohio.  Yep, you read that correctly.  We should be in the 20-30’s, but have been bouncing between 30-50’s!  I. JUST. LOVE. IT!  I’m not meant to be in the cold midwest I don’t believe.  I like it warm.  Warm, not hot mind you.  However, as anyone who lives in or has lived in Ohio knows–wait a minute, the weather will change.  And that’s about to happen soon I here.  I guess we will be getting our usual snow dump by this weekend.  Sigh……
So, friends…what’s on your mind today?  Did you visit Danielle’s site?  What’s the weather in your neighborhood?  Let’s chat!
As for me, I’m counting down the days for Spring to be here and stay!
…and that’s all I have to say about that!