Yes friends, you will get a tri-fecta from me today!  Why three?  I love the number 3!  I was born on a day with the number three attached to it!  Growing up, there was three in my family.  I dated and married a guy with three in his family.  There is now three in our family.  So there!  That’s some of the reasons I like the number 3!

Yet, part of the reason you are getting three posts today is that I am getting ready for the Women’s Writing/Speaking/Leading Conference that is quickly approaching.  It will be here in less than seven days now – woohoo!  So, I am trying to get everything done that I needed to get done before high-tailing it for North Carolina!  I had a couple books I received to review that I just finished so I wanted those done before I go.  From all the chatting I’m getting from our Attendees Facebook page of the Conference – my head is going to be swimming with tons of great stuff when I return.  And I also hear a little bit of overload!  Yeah, baby…bring it on!  Best if I do what I need to do before I go than trust I will remember when I get back.  I do have a great memory…..but, uh – let’s not test it!

I am really getting excited to go.  Through our Facebook Attendee’s Page, I have met so many wonderful ladies sharing the same passion.  It so feels like we have all been friends for years and are just getting together for a reunion!  It’s that good!

Don’t you worry if I’ll be coming back and sharing some funny happenings – you can count on that!  There is always something that goes awry that just cracks me up!  Oh, and the best part, (hehehe) I’m taking my most favorite subject for cracking up along with me!  Yes, the poor guy who ends up in more posts than he thought he would – my cute hubby!  Oh yeah!  I’ll be keeping a mini-notebook handy like Clark Kent looking for a scoop!  There is probably going to be a time when he will see a HOT DOUGHNUT sign, insist on ordering from the drive-thru trash can or, heaven forbid, see a Seeeeaaaffffooooooddd Restaurant sign and nearly kill us—-again!  Oh wait, I’ve not shared that story with all of you yet.  See – you already have something to look forward to when I return!

As I’m getting set to go, we have been getting instructions along the way that are making it real!  Then I start to get the anxiety thing rolling and YIKES!  Like one thing I’m a little concerned about already.  They’ve been saying that it’s 90+ degrees in North Carolina already – but the hotel is super cold.  So, whaddya think about the outfit I’ve packed for all day Saturday to be on the safe side:  I have a new Skort (wanna be stylin’), a pretty pink blouse (of course it’s pink–duh!), tube socks with coordinating stripe (to keep my toes warm because of my stylin’ sandals), my new pink sandals (what other color), a cute pink sweater (yes!), my pink winter parka (in case I’m under a vent), my gloves (no mitten-can’t write with those) and  my babushka in pink paisley (hot pink–but of course!).  Getting the picture?  Do you think I have the bases covered?  You know – they are saying dress in layers, so I think I’ve packed well.

In all seriousness (yes, I can be serious if I HAVE to!), I look forward to learning more about this craft of writing next week.  If you think of me, would you kindly say a prayer for me that I would stay open to what God has in store for me, my writing and my future and not mess things up by getting into His way?  I would greatly appreciate it.  I am going with an open mind and an open heart (and a pretty cool outfit if I do say so myself) to be willing to go as God will lead me.

Stay tuned…’cause some funny stuff is coming soon!

…and that’s all I have to say about that!



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